(In alphabetical order; as of press time; subject to change)
- 1-800-Gay-Live
- Adoptions Together
- Adventuring
- Affirmation: Gay & Lesbian Mormons
- Affordable Health Insurance
- Alexandria Gay and Lesbian Community Association (AGLCA)
- Amber Forever Amber
- American Express Financial Advisors: Renee Green Franchise
- American Express Financial Advisors
- American University: GLBT & Ally Resource Center
- American University Psychology
- Americans United for the Separation of Church & State, Inc.
- Amnesty International
- An Uncommon Legacy Foundation/Lesbian Leadership Fund
- And Baby Magazine
- Arlington Gay & Lesbian Alliance
- Asian & Pacific Islander Partnership for Health
- Asians & Friends: Washington
- Atlantic States Gay Rodeo Association (ASGRA)
- Augustana Lutheran Church
- AXA Advisors, LLC
- AXIOS, Washington
- Backstrokes Massage Services, LLC
- Believers Covenant Fellowship
- Beswitched Light Switchplates
- Bet Mishpachah
- Black & White Men Together
- Blue Girl Tuesday
- Asian Grille
- Ben ‘N Jerry’s
- Booz/Allen/Hamilton
- Brailand Coppersmith
- Brother, Help Thyself
- Camp Camp
- Capital Area Physicians for Human Rights (CAPHR)
- Capital Area Rainbowlers Association (CARA)
- Carl Vogel Center
- Congresswoman Eleanor Holmes Norton
- Crew Club
- DC Area Transmasculine Society (DCATS)
- DC HIV/AIDS Administration
- DC Radical Faeries
- Delta Lambda Phi
- Design in Paradise
- Different Avenues
- Dignity/Washington
- District of Columbia Aquatic Club (DCAC)
- District of Columbia Fire and Emergency Medical Services Agency
- Drug Policy Alliance
- Dulles Triangles
- Equality Fairfax
- Equality Virginia
- Fabulous Glass
- Facets
- First Horizon Home Loans/Fairfax Realty, Inc.
- Food & Friends
- Food Corner & Grill
- Food First
- Foundry United Methodist Church
- Freddie Mac
- Free State Justice
- Gay & Lesbian Activists Alliance (GLAA)
- Gay, Lesbian, Straight Education Network (GLSEN)
- Gay Men’s Chorus of Washington, D.C.
- gayWdc.com, LLC
- George Mason University Alumni Association
- GLBT Arts Consortium
- Gay & Lesbian Information Technologists of DC (GLITCH DC)
- Green Discounted Benefits
- Funky Five Jewelry Company
- Hamburger Mary’s/Titan Bar
- HCD Press/Lisa Banana, Local Artist
- Home Rights Commissions of the National Capital Area
- Hope United Church of Christ
- Human Rights Campaign
- Humrful Trading Company
- ID Lube
- Instinct Magazine
- Interfaith Fairness Coalition of Maryland
- Interweave Capital Area Chapter
- Juliry
- KB Designs
- Kaiser Permanente
- Lambda Divers
- Lambda Soleil
- Lammbda Sci-Fi: DC Area Gaylaxians
- Lesbian & Gay Chorus of Washington, DC
- Lesbian & Gay Immigration Rights Task Force (LGIRTF)
- Limin Around, Inc.
- Latina/o Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender Organization (LLEGO)
- Loans and Mortgages, LLC
- Log Cabin Republican Club of Northern Virginia
- Lutherans Concerned Metro Washington DC
- Maryland NARAL
- Mediterranean Appetite
- Metro DC PFLAG
- Metropolitan Community Church of Northern Virginia
- Metro Weekly Magazine
- MGM Pictures: Legally Blonde 2: Red, White & Blonde
- MBNA Rainbow Card
- Monday Night Skating
- MoonWeavers at Cedar
- Mountain Meadow/Colage
- National City Christian Church
- National Gay & Lesbian Task Force
- National Mental Health Association
- Nature Isle, Tropical Gourmet
- Oldies But Goodies Cocker Rescue
- O’Mara Art & Design
- One World Fitness
- Paige’s Promotions
- Partners Metro DC
- People for the American Way
- People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA)
- Perfect Places
- Pets-DC
- Planet Wear
- Potomac Executive Network
- Prerogatives
- Prime Timers of DC
- Prince George’s County Health Dept., HIV/AIDS Programs
- Prudential Carruthers Realtors
- Prudential Securities
- Rainbow Body Soaps
- Rainbow History Project
- Rainbow Spinnakers Sailing Club
- Results the Gym
- Rob’s Avon Sales
- Rose Colored Lens
- Rosencone Studios
- Saka Gakkai International, USA
- Sara Festivals
- Sawasdee Grill
- Schaefer Insurance Services, L.C.
- Senior Health Resources
- Serpentine Society: The University of Virginia GLBT Alumni Group
- Servicemembers Legal Defense Network (SLDN)
- Sharkware
- Showtime Network
- SignName
- Sirius Satellite Radio
- Smith Barney
- Statscript Pharmacy
- Sukiyaki Grill
- SunTrust Bank
- Temple Emanuel of Kensington Maryland
- Temple Micah
- The Center, Home for GLBT in Metro DC
- The Fund for Animals
- The Gay and Lesbian Medical Association
- TLA Video
- T-Mobile
- Transgender Education Association, Inc. (TGEA)
- T.S. Grill
- University of Maryland, College Park
- Us Helping Us, People Into Living, Inc.
- US Airways
- Vaccine Research Center
- Virginia Partisans Gay & Lesbian Democratic Club
- Washington Blade
- Washington Renegades Rugby Football Club
- Women In Their 20’s
- Women’s Monthly (WOMO)
- ZoomerShirts.com

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