Heavenly Round-Up: Dreaming of a different kind of Independence Day? You’re tied with the myriad gossamer threads of mutual obligation and unique responsibility. It’s put-up-or-shut-up time. Watch what you say, and how and to whom. Walk your talk without exception. Get ready to dedicate yourself to building the chrysalis in which to contain the awesome force of your profound self-transformation. Choose your allies with more care than you buy your shoes or watch TV, and your reward will match your efforts.
Aries: Sing a song of sixpence, you feel as though you’ve been baked — but you’re not sure if it’s the witch’s oven or the strong sun that’s gotten you so fried and crispy. Chill out and try to relax. If you’re still having trouble sleeping, it might be time for massage or acupuncture.
Taurus: You’re in a groove you can only maintain if you concentrate and follow all the best practices currently at your disposal. It’s lovely to ride the unicycle on the high-wire whilst juggling torches, but there’s not a lot of margin for error. Stay grounded in neutrals.
Gemini: You’ve got what it takes, but you’re never done with the testing that proves it. This cycle has a limit, and you’re within range of the finish line. Pace yourself and you may make a personal best out of this last leg of the endurance race. Measure twice in order to cut once.
Cancer: You’ve been brooding again. And brooding. And brooding. Funnily enough, nothing’s changed for all the time you’ve spent. It’s time to crawl out of your shell and do something about your issues. You have the resources, the skills and the ineffable timing to solve this.
Leo: Sensitivity wars with sensibility. You know how to be practical and collected and super-functional. And you’d pretty much rather be having a four star tantrum in the corner until everyone agrees to give you your way. Props to those of you with the courage to be adult.
Virgo: Get rested. Take your vitamins. Meditate while you commute. You’re going to need every edge you can develop to make your way through this next round of obstacles and challenges. At the same time, you’ve never been better fitted to the task at hand. Celebrate.
Libra: Whoops! Did it again? Well, you can’t be blamed for falling down — lots of people do, and for such a wide range of reasons that there’s really no point in blaming you, conditions, or even the whole impersonal universe. Pick yourself up, pull up your socks and get on with it.
Scorpio: It’s not everybody who can be nostalgic for the present. You’ve got it like that, yes indeed. But you might wish to consider the extraordinary potential in simply living in the moment and calling it good. You have the force of character and will necessary. Apply them.
Sagittarius: You can run, but you can’t hide. You’ve made random choices, masquerading as trust in the eternal. Having plowed and sown the field, you can see that it is time to reap it. Gather up your crew and make a festival of the occasion. Spin straw into gold on Tuesday.
Capricorn: Labor is your lot, and you’re proud of your dedication and accomplishments. But you have served others first for long enough. Head out on retreat, even if that means only going within, and find the source of your future vocational pride. It’s time to shift paradigms.
Aquarius: It used to be simpler. There used to be black and white and no in between. Now you’re looking at so much grey you might be standing in a London fog. Is it imperative that you resolve everything instantly? Some things do better to sit and ferment a while. Release.
Pisces: You’ve looked forward to now for so long, that you can’t help being a little let down with the mere reality. Is it in your best interests to hold on to that utopian vision? Could you get farther by adapting to how you really feel about what has finally begun to happen? Om.
These are challenging times for news organizations. And yet it’s crucial we stay active and provide vital resources and information to both our local readers and the world. So won’t you please take a moment and consider supporting Metro Weekly with a membership? For as little as $5 a month, you can help ensure Metro Weekly magazine and MetroWeekly.com remain free, viable resources as we provide the best, most diverse, culturally-resonant LGBTQ coverage in both the D.C. region and around the world. Memberships come with exclusive perks and discounts, your own personal digital delivery of each week’s magazine (and an archive), access to our Member's Lounge when it launches this fall, and exclusive members-only items like Metro Weekly Membership Mugs and Tote Bags! Check out all our membership levels here and please join us today!
Heavenly Round-Up: Your mouth is kiting checks faster than your persona can reject them. It’s not that you’re in a low-energy holding pattern. Simply put, you’re overcommitted to the nth degree already. If you egregiously overdraw on your personal resources, you’ll find the price the back-end will leave you shaking your head at those return-on-investment ratios. Stop treating yourself like a ledger. But don’t rein in your ego too hard. After all, you only want what’s best for you.
Aries: Sing a song of sixpence, that money is burning a hole in your pocket, isn’t it? You’ve promised yourself all the bells and whistles, but you’re a little impatient with the rituals and the ceremonies surrounding the acquisition. Could you wait a little while longer? Consider.
Taurus: Your dreams rage like a lion in the desert. Your heart pumps the stuff of heroes through your veins. Yet you conduct yourself mildly, only occasionally to wake in the night grinding your teeth. Let your fantasy take shape in manifestation. It’ll be your own secret.
Gemini: You’ve got more support and encouragement than you want. In fact, what you mostly want is out from under the inferno of conflicting desires and raging self-abnegation. It’s time to take a deep breath and count down to your approaching liberation. Release.
Cancer: You’ve got most of what you want mostly where you want it. And now you’re ready to disassemble the whole kit-and-caboodle in order to get on with creating the next great exoskeleton of existence in which to contain your constantly evolving soul. Choose carefully.
Leo: It’s not your fault. It may not be your problem even. But you’re the trouble-shooter everyone thinks of whenever there’s trouble that needs shooting. Research the facts of the matter before you don your shining armor and mount that noble steed. Show compassion.
Virgo: You and Hamlet both would be making better choices, except for how your dreams ride the spunk right out of your souls every night. Drink chamomile. Read the Rubaiyat. Take time to meditate, stretch and exercise—or commit to Yoga and do all three at once. Hum.
Libra: Is it time yet? You’re as impatient with the process as you can be. Now the damned thing is going backwards, for no reason you can name save spite. Don’t take this personally. Don’t get sucked into seeking justice before peaceful resolution. Practice realistic expectations.
Scorpio: Penitence is harder work than remaining (or even becoming) virtuous. It behooves you to conduct yourself with discretion, tolerance and a willingness to see another side to every question. Higher-ups are all in your corner. You don’t have to be paranoid anymore.
Sagittarius: Sure, your head’s going to pop off and your internal organs explode from all the creative and expressive pressure building up inside you. Admit it: this wouldn’t be the first time you’ve ever been so super-charged. Contain the combustion and make like a rocket.
Capricorn: Is this how you want to live? Weaving together the disparate threads of your existence like a bird doomed to build a nest, strand by strand, forever. Of course not. So this must be a time of reflection and hard choices. It’s not about the future. It’s about now.
Aquarius: You want to run before you can walk. You want to fly before you learn to breathe air. Take into account that some processes contain a necessary developmental arc. Isn’t it nifty that you have such an amazing trajectory planned? Get busy evolving in the present.
Pisces: You’re more than ready to throttle back. It’s that or begin throttling others. You don’t usually get this careworn, but you’ve had your nose to the grindstone and thrown your back into and out of it more times than you care to count. Plan a stupendous get-away soon.
These are challenging times for news organizations. And yet it’s crucial we stay active and provide vital resources and information to both our local readers and the world. So won’t you please take a moment and consider supporting Metro Weekly with a membership? For as little as $5 a month, you can help ensure Metro Weekly magazine and MetroWeekly.com remain free, viable resources as we provide the best, most diverse, culturally-resonant LGBTQ coverage in both the D.C. region and around the world. Memberships come with exclusive perks and discounts, your own personal digital delivery of each week’s magazine (and an archive), access to our Member's Lounge when it launches this fall, and exclusive members-only items like Metro Weekly Membership Mugs and Tote Bags! Check out all our membership levels here and please join us today!
Heavenly Round-Up: Are the fruits of your labors manifesting in unexpected shapes and sizes? Reaping what was sown can be useful in deciding what to plant next season. But it might leave you with nothing but nettles and tares for comfort in the present. Shift into Instant Karma mode and put all the joy, caring and action you can muster into play ASAP. Throw yourself on the mercy of the Universe and you’ll find there’s mercy and compassion in you as well as for you.
Aries: You’re gambling, but are your winnings the sorts of negotiable currency for which you have any use? Will you redraw the lines of the demarcation of the self in order to include these new assets? Will you choose to fight your way through, to or around transformation?
Taurus: The life you lead, once full of fresh opportunities and intriguing challenges, seems a little stale lately. Don’t take your musings too seriously. A fresh round of impossible accomplishments and Sisyphean undertakings lurks just beneath the surface of the present.
Gemini: Are you doing what matters most to you? Or are you just marking time? Has your get-up-and-go gotten up and went? You may need to refresh yourself in nature and let the vivifying beams of the waning moon gently lave you whole and true again. Judge carefully.
Cancer: You’ve been circling the issue like a vulture over fresh road-kill. Though you pride yourself on subtle, sensitive conduct — you’ve been signaling like a ship in distress, even if you’re not aware of the loudness of your distress call. Wake up your soul with room service.
Leo: Once you absorb the perennial verity that it’s not all about you, you may be surprised to discover what really is going on. You don’t have long to explore this avenue of alternatives. You’ll make your best choice if you choose sooner rather than later. The force is strong in you.
Virgo: Wising up sometimes means following an indirect, not to mention non-linear, path from assumption to experience and understanding. You’re good for the task. You’ve got the prerequisites. Do you have the will to follow this trail to its less than logical conclusion?
Libra: You’re strategizing for all you’re worth. It’s a noble effort. But is it the right use of your time and in your best interests? What about spontaneity? What about being in the moment? What about trusting that there are more things in heaven and earth than we’ve yet dreamt?
Scorpio: No, it’s not your fault. No, the Ineffable hasn’t singled you out for punishment. No, you won’t know the good of it on your preferred schedule. Sit tight and let go of your eternal desire to control outcomes. Don’t commit to going underground. There’s another solution.
Sagittarius: Is it the first or the last that matters most here? You’ve lost the urge to order the splendor of the Eternal; but you’ve got pieces of everything all over everywhere. It’s time to pick up your toys and put them away before you move on to your next exciting activity.
Capricorn: You’re having a little trouble focusing on the present. You’re having a little trouble staying connected with the family, though you can’t stop thinking about them. You’re in a quandary, and you’re not sure you have a name for what’s nagging at you. Relax to learn.
Aquarius: Peace in your time may be a valued commodity, but be careful what you sign away when you sign up. Ideals are more easily formulated than they are acted out in reality. Give yourself some leeway and cut others generous portions of slack. Plan a holiday at the ocean.
Pisces: Are you coming into your own? Or are you casting off your outworn, outgrown exo-skeleton? Could you possibly be multitasking and accomplishing both feats concurrently? Rejoice in the currents of change, and don’t spend too much time looking back in regret.
These are challenging times for news organizations. And yet it’s crucial we stay active and provide vital resources and information to both our local readers and the world. So won’t you please take a moment and consider supporting Metro Weekly with a membership? For as little as $5 a month, you can help ensure Metro Weekly magazine and MetroWeekly.com remain free, viable resources as we provide the best, most diverse, culturally-resonant LGBTQ coverage in both the D.C. region and around the world. Memberships come with exclusive perks and discounts, your own personal digital delivery of each week’s magazine (and an archive), access to our Member's Lounge when it launches this fall, and exclusive members-only items like Metro Weekly Membership Mugs and Tote Bags! Check out all our membership levels here and please join us today!