Heavenly Round Up: Maybe it comes to this: If you’ve tried as hard as you can, and you’ve fought the good fight, then whether you win or lose is immaterial. Do your best. Carry yourself at the ready to respond. Don’t forget to use compassion in assessing situations that may require your attention. There could be more than two sides to every story. Don’t just check the facts, also ask the eyewitnesses and consult your intuitions. They may be bloodthirsty, but they’re not necessarily wrong with it. Divide to conquer on Saturday.
Aries: It’s neither here nor there at this point. You may have waited so long to take your stand that it’s all over but the shouting. Focus on next steps. Find the way forward, the one you’d promised yourself wouldn’t be the road less traveled. Dip and sway Tuesday with a pro.
Taurus: Look out over the masses. Do you see that from a distance it’s all too big to make particular assessments? You’ll have to get in close to find the level of detail you require to make this work. Treat yourself to more than a touch-up; give yourself a spa day this cycle.
Gemini: You understand how it all works. You’re a past master of the ebb and flow specific to this order of an arrangement. So why are you all high and dry, underdressed, ill-informed and otherwise not on top of your game? You need to reframe. A different perspective works.
Cancer: Your famous sensitivity has been aquiver lately. With your nerves on edge, you’re suspicious of the least irregularity in everything around you. Is this what it takes? Is constant vigilance the price of freedom? You could stand to relax. Take a hot bath.
Leo: There’s more going on amongst your co-workers than you can suspect. It’s a hotbed of excitement, and illicit activities (though not the kind you’ve decided they are). Try to hold yourself above the fray. Keep your own nose clean, as a good-exemplar for others. Revolve.
Virgo: You’ll always have your suspicions. You may not be able to prove anything, but that doesn’t make you wrong. Now, let go of those beliefs. It’s time for you to put them by and get on with your real purpose. Some mysteries are best left unsolved. Walk away gracefully.
Libra: What did you mean and when did you mean it? You’re clever with words, dexterous even, but there are certain corners out of which you may not easily wiggle. Use your charm to elicit forgiveness and solicit permission to make a fresh start. Use better judgment now.
Scorpio: It’s walking, quacking and pooping like a duck. You might assume it’s a duck, but what if it’s only a method actor deep in preparation? Let the externals feed you their clues. Let your heart feed you its conclusions. Don’t worry if they don’t match. Don’t act just yet.
Sagittarius: Are you ready for what might happen next? You’ve been yearning for it with all your being, but that’s not the same thing as being prepared for the reality. Take the little lessons you’ve learned recently and add to them all the suspicions you’ve been harboring.
Capricorn: You’ve climbed every mountain, and forded every stream, but now you’re coming to the end of the resources you can share without seeing some return on your investment. Don’t be shallow, this isn’t about money. It’s all about time, the most finite of possessions.
Aquarius: What do you seek? What is the first rule of your heart? You’ll need to be able to answer these abstracts in order to go about your day-to-day existence. Sometimes the big questions affect even the smallest tasks. Reassess your priorities to match your answers.
Pisces: It’s an adventure into the unknown. There are entire uncharted universes in the inch-space of your heart. You know the paths in, but you’ve never gone far enough to think about coming out the other side. Now is the time to begin planning ahead. Find an exit strategy.
These are challenging times for news organizations. And yet it’s crucial we stay active and provide vital resources and information to both our local readers and the world. So won’t you please take a moment and consider supporting Metro Weekly with a membership? For as little as $5 a month, you can help ensure Metro Weekly magazine and MetroWeekly.com remain free, viable resources as we provide the best, most diverse, culturally-resonant LGBTQ coverage in both the D.C. region and around the world. Memberships come with exclusive perks and discounts, your own personal digital delivery of each week’s magazine (and an archive), access to our Member's Lounge when it launches this fall, and exclusive members-only items like Metro Weekly Membership Mugs and Tote Bags! Check out all our membership levels here and please join us today!
Heavenly Round Up: This is an envelope that requires pushing. This is a relationship that blossoms in its formation. This is a point from which one may move forward only slowly, but backward to one’s detriment. Give it all you’ve got. Give it the old college try. Give it your best and you won’t be disappointed. You have the technique, the field support and the gumption to boldly go and take the next step. Forget that you’re not ready. Forget that you’re not funded. Forget everything but your most cherished hope. Go for it.
Aries: You want what you want, when you want it. You could be dynamic, but you’re as likely to get bogged down in the eensy details that drag at your greatness like indigent relatives at their expectations. Release yourself from the petty things. Find openness out of doors.
Taurus: What is the price of peace of mind? When will you accept that you’ve crossed your last ”t” and dotted your last ”i”? You’re picky, but this is an exponential expression of your usual concern with the correct choice. Take a deep breath, but don’t wait to exhale.
Gemini: Discernment is easier when you’re not compelled to look at both sides of the issue at the same time. If you can’t pick a position and stick to it, then you may need to go for the classic resolution: synthesis. Find your third possible point of view and the answer appears.
Cancer: You don’t have a dog in this fight, but you know someone who does. Extend your compassion and become embroiled in the hairy details of what comes next. Walk away and lose your street cred. Is there something more you’re overlooking? Is there another path?
Leo: You’re a shining beacon of credibility, so why is everybody squinting at you like that? Was it something you forgot to do? Was it a key point you left out? Was it unavoidable given the time crunch? You’ll be forgiven, and ultimately become stronger, but it will take humility.
Virgo: It’s not a disaster anymore. It’s more like a condition which one learns to live with and accommodate. You’re used to what the extra work means. You have enough focus not to drop the ball here. Remember to get enough sleep, manage stress and take your vitamins.
Libra: Much remains hidden. Much cannot be known until further down the line. Relax your relentless search for the best of all possible solutions and go with expedience this once. You might be surprised at how easy and satisfying agreeing sweetly can be. Dance delicately.
Scorpio: You’re not giving up. You’re not walking away. You’re only resting before you gear up and conquer your personal K2 once and for all. It might be easier if you hadn’t allowed so many distractions into your life, but you’ve never been one for the soft bed. Work out more.
Sagittarius: The spotlight is on you, and you haven’t done what you’d hoped, in the time that you’d allowed, to the end that you’d identified. Yet you’ve done more than is reasonable and it’s all been good quality. Now you need to assess honestly what more you can/should do.
Capricorn: You don’t envy others their positions, only their comfort with living in a less than perfect world. You have the drive to make yourself a paradise on earth, but reality keeps throwing curves when what you want is a fast ball. Pace yourself and keep your eyes up.
Aquarius: It isn’t good sense. In fact, it makes no sense at all, on the purely logical level. However, this may be a good time to let go of all that linear thinking and allow for those auxiliary inputs that come from the heart and the soul. Wishful thinking provides good clues.
Pisces: You meant it at the time you said it. Now you have to integrate what a simple commitment can mean in a day-to-day sense. Is this what you really want? You may never be certain, but understand that there’s an exit. It’s under your feet right now. Meditate.
These are challenging times for news organizations. And yet it’s crucial we stay active and provide vital resources and information to both our local readers and the world. So won’t you please take a moment and consider supporting Metro Weekly with a membership? For as little as $5 a month, you can help ensure Metro Weekly magazine and MetroWeekly.com remain free, viable resources as we provide the best, most diverse, culturally-resonant LGBTQ coverage in both the D.C. region and around the world. Memberships come with exclusive perks and discounts, your own personal digital delivery of each week’s magazine (and an archive), access to our Member's Lounge when it launches this fall, and exclusive members-only items like Metro Weekly Membership Mugs and Tote Bags! Check out all our membership levels here and please join us today!
Heavenly Round-Up: The days are getting shorter, as is your patience. Your delight in little details is waning dramatically. How can you avoid being overwhelmed by how unprepared you feel you are to face the coming challenges? Well, stop looking for your shortcomings, for one. Find your community of support, and lean on them for all you’re worth. Don’t hog the scut work. Delegate and spread the joy around. You can all bond over the unbearable fussiness of being. Remember to unclench when sleeping.
Aries: Is your house in order? Or have you hit the wall of things and found that they’re all hitting back? It may be time to take the Darwinian approach and thin down the herd with the objective of keeping only that which makes you stronger, happier and more able than not.
Taurus: You love what you love, and that’s the beginning and the end of the matter. In between is a bunch of pesky reality, and all the myriad, minute elements that add up to something much greater than the sum of all parts. Remind yourself of the big picture on Sunday.
Gemini: Is that the past sneaking up on you from behind every doorway and shadow? Is it a present you’ve made that somehow echoes that ancient history? Is there a way for you to step outside your patterning and find a reality not so dependent on early conditioning? Maybe.
Cancer: You’ve got a lot to learn in a new field. You’re not used to starting from scratch, but that’s where you find yourself. Gather up your wits and courage and face the future you’ve chosen with bright eyes and a willingness to be thoroughly retrained. Cut loose on Saturday.
Leo: Your resources may not be what they were. They certainly aren’t what they will become. Should you gamble on your potential? Should you take a conservative approach? (Would you know such a thing if it knocked you on the head?) Ask a Virgo to show you how to get on.
Virgo: The future is now, because now is when you’re planting the seeds that will grow into all that you could hope for. There’s plenty of tedious, hard work between now and then. Are you game for the commitment? Are you person enough to represent when it’s your turn?
Libra: Nothing’s good or bad but the thinking makes it so, right? Well, not really. Sometimes judgment is necessary to ground us in our thousands of possible vectors of action. Use your ethics to thin down the herd and find your way through this thicket of possibilities. Call out.
Scorpio: Who loves you? On whom can you depend? Rally your allies and get ready for what happens next. There’s a lot to do, and more than even you can manage on your own. You may have earned the labor; but unlike Sisyphus, you’re allowed to get yourself some help.
Sagittarius: You’ve taken that walk on the wild side, and now you’re ready to assume your rightful position in a more integrated, hierarchical world. It’s not your usual choice, but you have some complex reasons for doing as you do. Pin down the small print before beginning.
Capricorn: Is this where your heart is? Can you do this for that higher hope and reason? Is there some other self-limiting factor in play? Tell yourself the truth, whatever you may feel you need to conceal from others. Send out for the sustenance you require on Friday night.
Aquarius: Your eyes have been opened to the secret you kept from yourself. You have a deeper insight into your own motivations. You’re not proud of what you’ve found, but you’re not going to hide the facts of the matter. Reset your charts and refigure your trajectory.
Pisces: Some systems work effectively to reduce stress and increase productivity. Some don’t, and then there’s a lot of blame throwing and general finger-pointing. Can you identify which parts of what you’re doing now are working, and which are just decreasing the peace in life?
These are challenging times for news organizations. And yet it’s crucial we stay active and provide vital resources and information to both our local readers and the world. So won’t you please take a moment and consider supporting Metro Weekly with a membership? For as little as $5 a month, you can help ensure Metro Weekly magazine and MetroWeekly.com remain free, viable resources as we provide the best, most diverse, culturally-resonant LGBTQ coverage in both the D.C. region and around the world. Memberships come with exclusive perks and discounts, your own personal digital delivery of each week’s magazine (and an archive), access to our Member's Lounge when it launches this fall, and exclusive members-only items like Metro Weekly Membership Mugs and Tote Bags! Check out all our membership levels here and please join us today!
Heavenly Round-Up: Now is a good time to see old problems with new eyes. Now is a good time to greet the bubbling emotional sludge like a welcome guest. Now is a good time to tell your secrets to the rustling trees and the sighing reeds. These are the times that test your ability to drill down through the layers of expectations and get right to the core of your key motivations, without exposing them to reason or yourself to ridicule.
Aries: You’re a player, but you’re playing for keeps. It’s the kind you are. Don’t berate yourself. Don’t second guess yourself. Don’t impose on yourself to get what you think you’re supposed to want, but which only leave you feeling tepid and blue. Allow your heart to lead.
Taurus: You don’t know what’s next. You don’t know why you don’t know. You don’t know how to get yourself reoriented so that you can set yourself back into the groove it took you so long to build. Could it be that you’ve outgrown the old? Embrace the unfamiliar Friday.
Gemini: Look around and try to get a sense of where you’ve been, where you are and where you think you’re going. You have the enviable ability to change your whole life—just like that. But the wanting makes it so. If you can’t decide, better to leave well enough alone. Go solo.
Cancer: You can’t remember so much of what brought you to this instant in time. But you do remember the smell of breakfast cooking as a small child. Don’t try to go for the germane. Go for those random pieces of yourself that add up to so much more than the visible whole. Row.
Leo: You had it all in the palm of your hand, but now you’ve got more serious fish to fry. Can you release your carefree utopia in favor of a form of future perfect that’s as real as it is now distant? You have the power to inspire others with your present vision. Manifestation is key.
Virgo: Don’t take yourself for granted. You’ve been changing, growing and becoming. You’re not the person you were only a couple years ago. Let your new life speak, and let it use the full range of your new self-expression. It’s time to show ’em what you’ve got. Gather shells.
Libra: Love is destiny, no question. Then there’s living with your choices — that takes a different kind of metal. Trust that you can communicate your concerns outwards in a way that is as respectful as it is effective. Trust that you can still get it, without having to prove it.
Scorpio: Rocky as it was, it’s about to become just that murky. You may have to learn a new vocabulary to share to the top of your bent. You may have to appreciate a new perspective to get what’s so important about what you’re doing in the here and now. Give it some thought.
Sagittarius: You’re powerful. You’re charismatic. You’re all that and more. You may not have to pay any karmic debts until the New Year blossoms, but you’ve been down the easy credit road before. Be careful not to let your heart write checks your spirit won’t cash. Reconsider.
Capricorn: Go the distance. You know you want to. You’ve been putting off the thing you meant to do long enough. You need to revisit your internal résumé in any case. Give yourself something fresh to be proud of. Your latest accomplishment won’t trash plans for Saturday.
Aquarius: If it were going according to plan, you’d be more surprised than anyone. As it is, you have the grim satisfaction of being right after all. It’s a hollow victory, if you really wanted peace and joy and light and life. Let go of details, give yourself to the moment.
Pisces: Now you see it. Now you don’t. Life was simpler when that’s all there was to sleight of hand. As things undergo a necessary sea change, appreciate that you can see what’s going on. Believe that your attention makes a difference, and reality will mimic fantasy. Go stag.
These are challenging times for news organizations. And yet it’s crucial we stay active and provide vital resources and information to both our local readers and the world. So won’t you please take a moment and consider supporting Metro Weekly with a membership? For as little as $5 a month, you can help ensure Metro Weekly magazine and MetroWeekly.com remain free, viable resources as we provide the best, most diverse, culturally-resonant LGBTQ coverage in both the D.C. region and around the world. Memberships come with exclusive perks and discounts, your own personal digital delivery of each week’s magazine (and an archive), access to our Member's Lounge when it launches this fall, and exclusive members-only items like Metro Weekly Membership Mugs and Tote Bags! Check out all our membership levels here and please join us today!