Metro Weekly

Last Word

Quotes from news makers this week

I am gay and there’s no reason to hide it…. It was not a campaign issue. There is not a gay agenda.”

Brian Bates, who this week won a seat on the nonpartisan Doraville City Council, becoming Georgia’s — and the Deep South’s — first openly gay elected Republican. (Atlanta Journal-Consitution)

”I think a lot of it has to do with people realizing that this may not be the most important issue in the state right now and we need to be addressing other things like property taxes.”

Jon Keep, president of Indiana Equality, responding to news that a recent poll shows Indianans losing interest in passing a state constitutional amendment banning same-sex marriage. (Indianapolis Star)

”When I was attacked that night, I felt really alone. Now I see all of you and I feel so much support.”

— Jess Keith, of Missoula, Mont., the victim of an apparent hate crime earlier this month, speaking to about 250 people this week in a rally to expand the state’s hate-crime statute. (The Missoulian)

”The school board is responsible for establishing a culture in our schools and our children learn from culture just as much as they learn from textbooks.”

Mike Slaton, of Kentucky’s Fairness Campaign, arguing in favor of the Jefferson County Board of Education’s vote this week to extend employment/discrimination protection to gay employees after a public hearing that drew hundreds. (Courier-Journal, Louisville)

”All I want is to leave [the NYPD] with dignity and not a bad taste in my mouth. I’ve been tormented, I’ve been harassed. I’ve been humiliated.”

Jai Aiken, a gay, 13-year veteran of the New York Police Department, who was the subject of 15-month sting in which an undercover officer tried to coax Aiken into committing crimes in return for sex. Buying an iPod and TV from the undercover cop was the closest Aiken came to criminal activity, though he may lose his job and pension as a result. (New York Daily News)

”We want to keep our private life private.”

Anne Will, a nationally known TV host in Germany, while announcing recently that she is a lesbian, partnered with another German TV personality. Polls show that Will’s popularity rose following the announcement. (Deutsche Welle)

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