Heavenly Round Up: If it were all that much better to give than to receive, wouldn’t there be a lot more ”secret Santa” events throughout the world? Maybe it is. And maybe there are. This is the most wonderful time of the season for getting into the spirit of tying off the loose ends of the old year, putting away old patterns and establishing new ones in a spirit of generosity and open handedness. Plus, you can go shopping for yourself once you’ve donated what you don’t need/use/want. Plan ahead.
Aries: You have seen the future and it’s wearing a frog suit. Is it that you want to date Kermit? (He has a great sense of humor.) Is it that you’re waiting for your prince to come along and rescue you from the mundane life you’ve made? Is that actually your frog suit?
Taurus: You received an invitation. Did you lose it? Are you becoming forgetful on purpose? Is it that you don’t have anything to wear? Is it that you’ve forgotten how to make small talk? Is it some hidden agenda regarding personalities? Don’t wade too deeply in those waters.
Gemini: You’re more powerful than a locomotive, but you don’t have a bunch of tracks laid down for you as of yet. Coil up that power and store it against a draught of will and will-power. There comes a time when you’ll be glad you can channel the force of a thousand suns.
Cancer: You can’t have what you want without using your best diplomatic skills in a most unscrupulous fashion. Happily, your marks won’t know that they’re being manipulated if you work with care and foresight. Sadly, you must keep your success under wraps to keep it at all.
Leo: You have the chops to boldly go where you want and do as you must. Have you got the charisma to bring the whole crew along with you, trailing in your orbit like hapless moons? If you choose to go that route, remember they’ll be counting on you to keep leading the way.
Virgo: Look around. The changes are small, but subtle. If you can keep your wallet from flying open every time you see something attractive, you could maintain the balancing act that is your personal budget. Take advice from an older Capricorn. Wear a busy pattern.
Libra: You never wanted the responsibility. You never wanted that kind of attention. But now that you’re holding everybody’s focus, you may as well exploit the moment and bring out your hobbyhorse so that you can indoctrinate the masses. Remember to keep your smile.
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Zodiac Calendar | |
Scorpio: You’ve never before been so afraid of the long-term effects of a happily-ever-after scenario. Are you, ahem, fearful because this might work out — and then what would you have to bitch about? Is it the visibility that has you worried? Release your concerns. Sleep.
Sagittarius: Feeling nostalgic? You’re not about to lose a community. You’re about to add one on. Don’t cut off the past to spite your future. Conduct yourself with dignity. Keep your intentions sharp about you, and all will be well. Call in a few favors to take care of that issue.
Capricorn: You live, you learn. And you’re finding that the curve, though steep, is inevitable. Give yourself props for making it this far. Give yourself kudos for having the sense to take in your fresh perspective. Give yourself a pep talk and you’ll make it to the next level pronto.
Aquarius: You’ve been there and done that and it was all good. But you’re not sure you can make yourself go through all that again from a position of knowing as much as you do now. Can you reset your trajectory? Can you create an alternate-situation scenario and follow it?
Pisces: You wished, and your wishes have been fulfilled — sort of. Now you discover that all is not as idyllic in happily-ever-after as you’d been imagining. In fact, it looks from there a lot like right here. If you’re not delighted, you need to change the storyline to fit your vision.
These are challenging times for news organizations. And yet it’s crucial we stay active and provide vital resources and information to both our local readers and the world. So won’t you please take a moment and consider supporting Metro Weekly with a membership? For as little as $5 a month, you can help ensure Metro Weekly magazine and MetroWeekly.com remain free, viable resources as we provide the best, most diverse, culturally-resonant LGBTQ coverage in both the D.C. region and around the world. Memberships come with exclusive perks and discounts, your own personal digital delivery of each week’s magazine (and an archive), access to our Member's Lounge when it launches this fall, and exclusive members-only items like Metro Weekly Membership Mugs and Tote Bags! Check out all our membership levels here and please join us today!
Heavenly Round Up: This year won’t end with a whimper. And it may not end with a bang. But there’s still time to tidy up, finish the shopping, baking and all the rest of the collateral craziness that makes the grand finale so grand. Put on your sparkly persona to amaze your friends and confound your family of origin. Put on your sparkly gear to attract the right attention at one of those parties to which you’ve been invited. Whatever you do, don’t stay home moping and decking the halls all alone.
Aries: Some years you eat the bear, some years the bear eats you. This year may be different from all others in that there seems to be no bear. That’s okay — there’s a surprise waiting for you that changes the course of the season in one amazing moment. Be prepared for surprise.
Taurus: If it walks like a present, sounds like a present and smells like a present then it probably is a present. But is it for you to have, or for you to give away. Try to open your hands to the world this season and you’ll find that your generosity isn’t forgotten when it’s push time.
Gemini: You’ll walk in the light again, but that’s not what time of year this is. Give the times the respect that is their due. Find a way to make your right connection to this lack of light and warmth. When you find the good, the rest will slip into place. Wear tinsel for festivity.
Cancer: You can sense the magic in the air. You can feel the shift as it prepares the way for itself. There’s a point where everything is divided into before and after. You stand on one such cusp this cycle. Get ready to be amazed and amused by what the universe has prepared.
Leo: Fill yourself with good cheer and spill it onto those around you. Your infectious good nature will serve you well as you rollick, frolic and mingle your way through the myriad entertainments on offer. Use your ability to see the cup half-full on Sunday and save the day.
Virgo: It’s not a miracle in the traditional sense of the word. This one took planning, and split second timing. You could’ve been a contender, handling this with so much finesse. What a delight you’ve brought to those who had no expectation (and some would say) no right.
Libra: Each choice you make allows you to make another and another. Each crossroad gets you further down the road of your experiential existence. Each time you step up to the plate and do for others as much as you would like done for yourself ensures a more loving future.
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Zodiac Calendar | |
Scorpio: Walk out of the shadows and into the brief light of the solstice. Use the low-glare environment to mark your goals and assess your progress. You have a ways to go before you’re home free. But you’re farther than you had any inkling of going. Congratulations!
Sagittarius: You’re closer to your targets than you’d envisioned. You’re farther from your disincentives than you’d realized. Your proximity to support is rivaled only by your pride in not accepting assistance. This is the wrong time of the year to try to go it alone. Use the phone.
Capricorn: It’s not ridiculous if it’s also probable. A line was crossed and now the world is re-made in a new image. Can you adjust to take advantage of this unexpected transformation? Can you drop back, drop out or drop in? You’ll enjoy the shift in pace and company alike.
Aquarius: What do you remember, and when did you start remembering it? Recovering chunks of time like that can be disconcerting. But it can also be the first step in getting you to a rounded perception of how the past has built the present from which you access the future.
Pisces: You had no idea how far you’d go once you got started. Now that you’re here, and a long way from anywhere by most accounts, you have time to consider and reconsider your myriad choices. Let your heart lead the encounter. Let your deepest emotions sound clearly.
These are challenging times for news organizations. And yet it’s crucial we stay active and provide vital resources and information to both our local readers and the world. So won’t you please take a moment and consider supporting Metro Weekly with a membership? For as little as $5 a month, you can help ensure Metro Weekly magazine and MetroWeekly.com remain free, viable resources as we provide the best, most diverse, culturally-resonant LGBTQ coverage in both the D.C. region and around the world. Memberships come with exclusive perks and discounts, your own personal digital delivery of each week’s magazine (and an archive), access to our Member's Lounge when it launches this fall, and exclusive members-only items like Metro Weekly Membership Mugs and Tote Bags! Check out all our membership levels here and please join us today!
Heavenly Round Up: have you lost the key to your doors of perception? Have you fumbled your integrity? Have you woken up wondering what your face looked like before you parents were born? These are the existential times that try all souls. And like any testing, you have the potential to come out the other side with a firmer grasp on your strengths and a better understanding of where you have room for improvement. Will you sulk because you haven’t attained perfection on the first go round? Find an active answer.
Aries: Having trouble sleeping lately? It could all blow over, or it could all blow up. The outcome isn’t certain. Your choices give a strong shape to this immediate future. Choose carefully. Choose for instant gratification if you can’t choose for the long term. Wear green.
Taurus: Look around. There in all that barren nature, you can yet see the bones of the spring to come. It’s only waiting to be fleshed out by time and process. You have a similar scene playing out inside you this very minute. Can you wait patiently to see the glory unveiled?
Gemini: You mean what you say while you’re saying it, most of the time. What would it be like to be held accountable for all the pearl-like wisdom that falls from your mouth? What would it be like to expect as much from others as they expect from us? Could they deliver?
Cancer: Your heart is in an uproar. You want what’s simple and irrefutable. You keep getting obscure Talmudic arguments both for and against your grand design. You could cut through the Gordian knot of the concerns swirling around you, but it might not solve your real issue.
Leo: You’re still a contender, but not in the field to which you’d imagined you’d been born. There’s room in your soul for the shift. There’s room in your perspective for the growth. But can you let go of that dream which you’ve outgrown to grasp the larger, more fulfilling one?
Virgo: Destiny is an easy word, but it can have difficult consequences. Be aware as you assign your fate to random encounters. Your belief shapes the outcome as much as, or more than, any particular evidences of ”reality.” After destruction comes compassionate rebuilding.
Libra: You’re all that and you know it. But why is it a secret from all the others who are close in enough to see the self-evidential truth? You must choose: give up the dream of being recognized, or give up the hope that they are the ones who will recognize you. Don’t be hasty.
Scorpio: You can do what you want, when you want, in the manner of your choosing, and with whomever. Or you can buckle down and do the right thing, with no fooling around or hedging your emotional bets. Are you brave enough to face the whole truth head on? Reflect.
Sagittarius: You don’t require simplicity. You don’t require stability. You require belief. Failing that, you fail to thrive. If you’re in an environment that doesn’t have an implicit buy-in here, you may need to bail and move to more accepting, visionary, innocent pastures. Do it soon.
Capricorn: Could you be any more clever? Could you have been more neatly hoist by your own petard? It’s something of a novel plot twist, to be taken in this neat, ineluctable fashion. Give yourself credit for the set up. Give yourself credit for the casting. Give yourself a hand.
Aquarius: Your world is rocking. Will you hang on? Are you curious enough to wonder where you would land if you let yourself be flung back out into the wide fields of existence? There are no right answers here, only new conditions and fresh rules and a chance to start over.
Pisces: You don’t mind watching the universe melt a little under the heat generated by the pressure of the center collapsing in on itself a fraction. These tremors are a reminder to get your life in gear and make it real. You have a dream, and it can be a waking reality, if you wish.
These are challenging times for news organizations. And yet it’s crucial we stay active and provide vital resources and information to both our local readers and the world. So won’t you please take a moment and consider supporting Metro Weekly with a membership? For as little as $5 a month, you can help ensure Metro Weekly magazine and MetroWeekly.com remain free, viable resources as we provide the best, most diverse, culturally-resonant LGBTQ coverage in both the D.C. region and around the world. Memberships come with exclusive perks and discounts, your own personal digital delivery of each week’s magazine (and an archive), access to our Member's Lounge when it launches this fall, and exclusive members-only items like Metro Weekly Membership Mugs and Tote Bags! Check out all our membership levels here and please join us today!
Heavenly Round Up: Things are definitely more like they are now than they’ve ever been. Yes, that might be self-evident, but it’s never been more true. Fasten your seat-belts, campers, you’re in for a bumpy ride. You’ll see things you’ve never dreamed of. You’ll dream of things you’ve never seen. You’ll laugh, you’ll cry, you’ll change your life. And it may even be for the better, if you can retain your focus in the crunch. Be careful about writing checks with your mouth that the rest of you might not want to cash.
Aries: You’ve seen the future, and it’s completely different. You may have to tear down all the anticipations you were counting on to make room for all the actual events that are going to happen to you. Don’t despair: Not only are you the stronger, you’re the better looking.
Taurus: It’s not easy, certainly. It’s not fun, and that’s no joke. It’s not your turn; you’ve been taking one for the team for a while now. But if you’re going to get the most out of this cycle, you may have to suck it up and deal a bit longer. Wishes come true on Saturday.
Gemini: Look around, are you in an unfamiliar landscape? Have your fundamental perceptions shifted to the point that the quotidian has taken on the value of the rare and exotic? Take nothing for granted and you may do better than finding a twenty at the bus stop. Pull up.
Cancer: You know what the drill is. You’ve been practicing for more years than you care to admit. It’s time to let go in order to be able to embrace fully the next big thing. You’re primed and ready to grow and become in ways you couldn’t have imagined when this all got started.
Leo: You’re not as percipient as you like to pretend. It wouldn’t be the first time you’d played out of your league and got away with it. So go with what you can get away with allowing others to believe that you know. Your assumed authority prepares you for the real thing soon.
Virgo: You’ve seen it all. You’re world-weary and full of the boredom of the over- sated. It’s been a good early holiday season, so far. But if you’ll freshen up your ‘tude, then you may find that the season becomes one of wonders and miracles–all designed especially for you.
Libra: You’re tired of walking the walk. You don’t know the distance you’ve come in that nasty pair of borrowed moccasins, but you’re over having to be a good sport. And with good reason. Strip away the veneer of complaisance. It’s time to get tough and get ‘er done.
Scorpio: You could send out for more help. You could try asking for smarter, competent types instead of the clown convention that’s been swirling around you for lo these many months. Or you could take it upon yourself to come up with a way to save the show single-handedly.
Sagittarius: If it were that simple, there’d be a line from here to the moon as people waited for their so called entitlements to be fulfilled. You’re learning that there’s a price to pay for happily ever after. Don’t forget what happened to Psyche and Eros: Should you listen? Maybe.
Capricorn: Your dreams can still come true. Even if they look nothing like they did as little as a few weeks ago. But there’s been one of those conflagrations, and your life has the potential to be rebuilt to a better standard of use and comfort than what you’d had on the schedule.
Aquarius: It’s a story you tell yourself to feel better when the pressure and inanity begin to build up. It could be a goal for which you strive, and against which you measure your steps to accomplishment. How real it turns out to be may depend on your friends and neighbors.
Pisces: You can smell the changes in the air at work. It’s like the charge of ozone in the air when lightening has been falling with the rain. There’s suddenness to these shifts that may signal something deeper at another level altogether. Assess your condition carefully.
These are challenging times for news organizations. And yet it’s crucial we stay active and provide vital resources and information to both our local readers and the world. So won’t you please take a moment and consider supporting Metro Weekly with a membership? For as little as $5 a month, you can help ensure Metro Weekly magazine and MetroWeekly.com remain free, viable resources as we provide the best, most diverse, culturally-resonant LGBTQ coverage in both the D.C. region and around the world. Memberships come with exclusive perks and discounts, your own personal digital delivery of each week’s magazine (and an archive), access to our Member's Lounge when it launches this fall, and exclusive members-only items like Metro Weekly Membership Mugs and Tote Bags! Check out all our membership levels here and please join us today!