Metro Weekly

When Bears Sing…

bear2978.jpgThe bears will be singing for their supper tonight at Remington’s. Even if you’re more of a suit kind of guy and less a hirsute one, you should come out and eat with them. These just ain’t any old bears, you see. They’re talented musical bears — with a growing national reputation. Having already made stops in New York and last night in Baltimore, the performers part of the first-ever Bearapalooza Road Trip will paw their way to Remington’s tonight in an event sponsored by the DC Bear Club. Some 10 bear-identified musicians will take the stage to perform, including host Dave ”Papa Bear” Moretti, as seen in John Waters’ A Dirty Shame, Hyatsville, Md.-based twangy country-rocker Don Harvey and Germantown Md.-based folk-rocker Steven Gellman. Among the out-of-towners, there’s Boston-based dramatic soul-fired cabaret singer Gordon Michaels and New York-based ”folktronica” duo Nekked, a gayer, modern-day version of Simon & Garfunkel. For $10, you can check out the whole bear Scarborough Fair, starting at 9pm….

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