Metro Weekly

ManHunt members busted for public sex meeting behind vacant house, includes school principal [video]

”The investigation revealed that the men had met on a website called and had arranged to meet with a third party at 70 Abbeyville Lane for sex…. I think that the third party arranged it. I don’t think they had any idea about who owned the house. I think they probably felt that the third party owned the house…. To use such manifest lack of judgement, poor judgement and discretion is — it’s just crazy to think what the consequences of that could be.”

Police Chief Kapaka of Greenburgh, NY, remarking on the case of a Catholic arts school principal, Gabriel de Jesus, and another man who have been charged with trespassing, public lewdness and disorderly conduct for hooking up in the back yard of an abandoned house. A third man is being sought who allegedly arranged the meeting on the gay social site ManHunt, was “last seen running naked down the street.” (

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