Metro Weekly

Clay Aiken is gay! Who knew?

”New Dad Clay Aiken: Yes I’m Gay. The ‘Idol’ star opens up about his emotional decision to come out: ‘I cannot raise a child to lie or to hide things.”’

Chicago Sun Times reporting on the new cover of People magazine featuring singer Clay Aiken and his new baby. The new cover echoes the magazine’s previous covers from Ellen Degeneres and Lance Bass that served as springboards for their public profiles. (Chicago Sun Times) Aiken has been silent, even avoidant on the matter, yet he has long remained the subject of speculation about his sexuality — including an angry reaction to Diane Sawyer; an outing by Rosie O’Donnell during her misdirected ‘homophobic’ beef with Kelly Ripa; the appearance of shirtless photos from an alleged gay video chat session; the birth of his new baby son, Parker Foster, by artificial insemination; and the nickname “Gayken” assigned to him by comedian Kathy Griffin.

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