Metro Weekly

Gay couples rush to marry in California

”After Nov. 4, it’s possible the door to having that experience of a legally recognized marriage will be closed. And faced with that, many couples have, to some degree, rushed to get married in order to assure that they are legally recognized.”

Kate Kendell of the National Center for Lesbian Rights remarking on a UCLA Williams Institute study that finds some 3,800 same-sex couples per month are rushing to get married in California. The legality of gay marriage in that state is being put up to vote through Proposition 8. Many of the marriages being held are said to be by out-of-state residents. Massachusetts remains the only other state in the USA to perform same-sex weddings and, thanks mostly to archane law dug up by anti-gay former Governor Mitt Romney, out-of-state residents cannot be joined in that Massachusetts if their union is not recognized in their home state. (New York Times)

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