Metro Weekly

ABC cuts lesbian love story out of ‘Grey’s Anatomy’

“I was very excited when they told me that Erica and Callie were going to have this relationship. And I really hoped we were going to show what happens when two women fall in love and that they were going to treat it like any heterosexual couple on TV. And so I was surprised and disappointed when they just suddenly told me that they couldn’t write for my character anymore….. I’m not written out. My final scene is just me heading to my car. I honestly don’t know what happens in the next episode.”

Brooke Smith who played Dr Erica Hahn reacting to the news that her lesbian doctor character will be removed from the show after this Thursday’s epiosode, and that she has been fired from the popular ABC TV show because network executives did not like the character. ”Grey’s Anatomy.” Her interview with Entertainment Weekly has a taped discussion from earlier in the year where the actress discusses ”continuing gay panic” about last year’s finale and likely ”cold feet” among network powers. (Entertainment Weekly)

”Brooke Smith was obviously not fired for playing a lesbian. Clearly it’s not an issue as we have a lesbian character on the show – Calliope Torres. Sara Ramirez is an incredible comedic and dramatic actress and we wanted to be able to play up her magic. Unfortunately, we did not find that the magic and chemistry with Brooke’s character would sustain in the long run….  I believe it belittles the relationship to simply replace Erica with ‘another lesbian.”’

Executive Producer Shonda Rhimes responding to the Entertainment Weekly article about the sudden removal of a lesbian doctor from the show ”Grey’s Anatomy.” (Entertainment Weekly)

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