Metro Weekly embarassed by anti-gay marriage banner ads

”We are very upset about this and apologize to any site visitors from the state of California that might have been offended by the ads…. They may see the ads and think I’m some hypocritical gay guy who is taking money from anybody and has no morals. I won’t even accept ads from companies that aren’t gay-friendly.”

Joe LaMuraglia of expressing his dismay that Google’s AdSense banner revenue program allowed “Yes on 8” ads to appear on his site when vistors from California surfed his site. The article quotes the anti-gay advertiser who requested the banners as saying their organization did not specifically target — they just let Google place ads where they please. (LA Times) Google’s and its founder donated thousands of dollars to the “No on 8” campaign in September.

[Note: also uses Google AdSense and has experienced good results. Early on in the advertising program, some anti-gay ads did show up on our site, but after expressing our dismay, Google appears to have tweaked their settings, and our site has had an overwhelmingly positive experience with the internet giant. AdSense also has added features that allow individual client sites to weed out specific advertisers, though there is some delay.]

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