Metro Weekly

George Takei says gay rights will prevail despite bitersweet election results [video]

”We feel that our marriage is valid. There is no language in Proposition 8 that says it’s retroactive. However, the bigger picture — we are concerned about the others that did not get married, and others that will want to get married in the future. This is a fundamental right — all inclusive as the Supreme Court of California has ruled. This is taking away that fundamental right…. It is going to be challenged and ultimately, we will prevail…. Election night was an evening of bittersweet irony. We were listening to an African-American making a victory speech as the President-elect of this nation. I felt proud to be an American. And when he said, ‘We’re renewing the promise of America,’ it resonated as a Californian, where 52% of the people that voted, voted for discrimination…. In the same way that the Civil Right struggle traveled that long road to get to that point where we have an African-American President-elect, we know that we have that long road ahead full of rocky parts….”

Actor and gay-rights advocate, George Takei, with his partner Brad Altman, expressing their views to the CBS national morning TV program. (CBS News)

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