Metro Weekly

Heated debate over gay marriage boils over in California [video]

”I can’t just redefine a word. I can’t take the word heterosexual and say that it means someone who has a sexual preference for plants. Right, so by the same token, no one else should take the word marriage and redefine it to mean something else that they feel it should mean.”

Tom Byrne. half of a non-gay couple displaying the type of convoluted nonsense that is close to overturning gay marriage in California. He and his wife posted a “Yes on 8” sign on their lawn, and are alleging that vandals spraypainted over that sign, and then “NO ON 8” in large red letters on their garage. Voter sentiment on the issue is said to have been tipped in favor of defeating gay marriages thanks in large part to twisted TV advertisements backed by church-raised dollars. (CBS News)

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