Metro Weekly

Schwarzenegger to gays: Never give up. Like weightlifting, be on it & on it [video]

”It’s not the end. I think this will go back to the courts. This will go back to the Supreme Court [in California which has] very clearly declared this unconstitutional…. … Look, I learned the messages from lifting weights. Sometimes I try to lift the weight 10 times, and I failed. But the 11th time I lifted it. And I learned that you should never, ever give up. And I think it’s the same with [Proposition 8] as with Proposition 11, they should never give up. They should be on it and on it until they get it done.”

California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger speaking on camera with CNN about the passage of Proposition 8, which he had recently spoken out against. But, before the Supreme Court granted same-sex marriage in the state this year, he spoke out against gay marriages. The Governor, a former weightlifting champion, appears to blame passage of the bill on a weak, underfunded campaign against the voter-approved measure combined with strong religious and minority cultural support. (CNN via YouTube)

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