Metro Weekly

Television improves greatly in numbers, types of gay representation

”Naturally, we want to see ourselves represented and have our stories told. But this (broadening representation) is also important because we know that images on TV and in the movies have a lot of power and influence. They can go a long way toward helping others embrace the LGBT community with love and acceptance…. [Kevin’s Uncle Saul coming out at 60+ on ‘Brothers and Sisters’ is] a very genuine situation — someone coming out late in life and dealing with all that entails…. [Callie and Erica on ‘Grey’s Anatomy’ are] another very wonderful and real story of women learning to understand their same-sex attraction….”

Neil G. Giuliano of GLAAD expressing his pleasure at the current progress of many networks (especially ABC) when it comes to including gay and lesbian characters in scripted shows, and also on reality television serious. (San Jose Mercury News)

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