Metro Weekly

Two gay DC men attacked by Republican loser [video]

“When I tried to grab it away from him, he started hitting me, trying to attack me. He was very aggressive and very threatening and it definitely scared me… It was really upsetting I was really shaken up. Um, you know, it kind of put a damper on the evening, but, overall, I said, ‘I don’t want to let this guy get to me.’ It, like, it’s not worth it. He’s not worth my time.”

Steve Kensinger who was attacked by a McCain party attendee after the election results. Kensinger and Zack Pesavento, who was with Kensinger, were going down 16th street to celebrate Obama’s victory at a spontaneous gathering outside of the White House, but on the way they were assaulted by the intoxicated GOP supporter who grabbed Kensinger’s rainbow flag. Channel 7’s news camera caught the end of the incident on video tape. (WJLA)

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