Metro Weekly

Bishop Harry Jackson: All of black DC is against gay marriage

”It’s a race and a class struggle on this. If 51 percent of the people in D.C. are African-American and you have a unanimous vote by the city council on this, somebody’s not listening to the people…. The black ministers are irate that they are being shut out. They feel like nobody’s listening to them.”

Harry Jackson, a African-American evangelical church leader from Bowie, Maryland who is doing his best to ride his anti-gay marriage agenda to national fame and significance among social conservatives. He has repeated alleged that the interests of the black community and gay community are incompatible on the basis of his religious beliefs; defining the civil rights movement as belonging only to black Americans; and spreading misinformation that somehow that the entire gay rights movement is elitist and racist. His arguments, of course, do not allow for the existence of proud, gay African-Americans or that there are even voting members of the DC council who also happen to be black. Jackson has scheduled a protest for Tuesday, 10am, at Freedom Plaza against same-sex marriage recognition being adopted in any form by the DC City Council. (Washington Post)

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