Metro Weekly

Fakers foiled: Videos highlight claims read by actors in anti-gay commercial

”I am a California doctor who must choose between my faith and my job. I am a Massachusetts parent helplessly watching public schools teach my son that gay marriage is okay.”

Two of the made-up lines read by 23 different actors used by Maggie Gallagher‘s traditional conservative fear-tank National Organization for Marriage. The actors, some of whom barely speak English, can be seen flubbing their lines a number of times. It’s been reported that Human Right Campaign came into possession of these videos which can be found across internet video sites, and that N.O.M. has been coordinating it’s efforts to remove these embarrassing outtakes. Even some videos copied from Rachel Maddow‘s MSNBC news program where she showed clips of the silly videos have been labeled on YouTube as “no longer available due to a copyright claim by National Organization for Marriage.” (Wired)

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