Metro Weekly

Marion Barry: I’m a moral politician… No gay marriage in DC! [video]

(Metro Weekly has published a more detailed update to this event. — 4/29/09 2:10am)

”You are the moral leaders of this community. Politicians out to be moral…. So when we disagree on something slightly or major, it’s because I am a politician who’s moral. I was not present on April the 6th, I was probably recovering from my transplant, … if I had been [present] I would have voted ‘no.’ … I believe in human rights. I believe in civil unions. You all don’t, but it’s okay. But we do agree: We have to say ‘no!’ to same-sex marriage in DC — same sex marriage in DC. Say no to same sex marriage in DC! Say no to same sex marriage in DC… You have to go across the street and walk the halls of the City Council. Confront all 12 of them, eye to eye — eye to eye! Morality against immorality.”

Marion Barry, former DC Mayor and current City Councilman, taking a surprisingly strong stance against gay marriage. Sources had reported earlier in the month that Marion Barry was co-sponsor of the marriage bill that he is now saying he was opposed to. He was the only elected official from DC to participate in the small gathering organized by Harry Jackson and his Hope Christian Church. Jackson predicted that 1,000 people would appear at the rally to protest the City Council’s unanimous vote to recognize same-sex marriage performed in other states, but only about 150 bothered to do so. (Metro Weekly via YouTube)

”I don’t agree with them…. [DC residents] don’t have enough time in the day to discriminate or worry about someone else.”

Adrian Fenty responding to a Washington Post reporter about what was said today on Freedom Plaza by Harry Jackson‘s protesters against same-sex marriage. Fenty, along with Councilman David Catania, were specifically called out by some of the preachers involved in pushing back against the DC Council’s unanimous vote to recognize same-sex marriages performed outside of the District. (Washington Post)

  • The only thing for evil to triumph is for a good man to do nothing. And we are here to do something and stand for righteousness.
  • Don’t let people get you talking about ‘gay rights.’ This is not a gay right.
  • The state has no business in the issuance of marriage.
  • What comes behind this agenda of same-sex marriage, that they want to say that anyone can use anyone’s bathroom.
  • Homosexual activists have a clear agenda for gaining acceptance of their immoral lifestyle while destroying all of our biblical values and moral standards.
  • The homosexuals want to have their sexual choices protected as if being gay is the same as being black.
  • Two close relatives cannot get married because it’s not good for the culture. A man cannot marry a three-year-old because it’s not good for the culture.
  • We can no more prevent the homosexuals from involvement in such activity, as we can prevent the thief from stealing, the liar from lying, or the pedophile from preying on children.
  • Marriage is the union between one man and one woman — not two boys and two girls.
  • If you say what it really is, your children can understand. If you say what it really is, gran-mumma can understand. If you say what it really is, everybody can understand. If you say what it really is, Muslims can understand.

Just a few of the bizarre statements from preachers at the anti-gay marriage rally held by Harry Jackson‘s Hope Christian Church. Most of the yelling the preachers did ended in an the same mean-spirited argument that children need to be protected from homosexuals for various ludicrous reasons. (MetroWeekly via YouTube)

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