Metro Weekly

Military officers petition Obama to keep gay-excluding policy

”The signers of this petition are mired in the fears and politics of the past. More than 75 percent of the American public, including most younger service members as well as many active duty flag officers, realize the question is not if ‘don’t ask, don’t tell’ is repealed, but when and how.”

Aubrey Sarvis of Servicemembers Legal Defense reacting to a petition reported to have been signed by 1,000 retired military officers that is asking President Obama to maintain the military’s current guideline that says that ”homosexuality is incompatible with miltary service.” The opposition to the removal of the ”Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy is said to be spearheaded by the conservative think tank Center for Military Readiness which is run by Elaine Donnelly who previously testified before Congress on the controversy using statements that stereotyped gays as sexual predators. (AP)

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