Metro Weekly

Ultimate Fighting’s president posts online video with anti-gay slur, then apologizes

”I hurt people that I didn’t intend to hurt and when you do something like that, yes, I believe that you should say you’re sorry. I never intended to hurt anybody in the gay community, or be malicious, or look like a hateful guy. I never meant to hurt anyone in the gay or lesbian community at all, in any way, shape or form. I would never do that. I was speaking to [ reporter] Loretta Hunt. I didn’t mean to bring those people into this, it had nothing to do with them and for that, I’m sorry.”

Dana White apologizing for using the word ”faggot” during a videotaped blow-up directed at a martial arts reporter, Loretta Hunt. (ESPN)

”Any fucking guy who won’t put his name on it — whoever gave you that quote is a fucking pussy, and a fucking faggot, and a fucking liar….

Dana White of the UFC going off on martial arts writer Loretta Hunt in an intentionally recorded and made public rant. (vVia YouTube)

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