Metro Weekly

Provincetown: Bizarre hate crime leaves residents in emotional upset

”Patten was screaming biased, anti-gay language. We took him into custody as quickly as possible, so he would not incite the large crowd that was gathering…. There were all these women crying. They were just very agitated and visibly upset, not just by what they saw but by what they heard. That’s the thing with a hate crime, it’s not just the victim who is hurt, the whole community is affected.”

Provincetown Sergeant Chief Carrie Lopes, on the arrest of Eric Patten, 20, who was drunk when he assaulted two women near the Post Office Cafe. It is reported that Patten said he thought the women were gay men. He is said to have shoved one into a window and was seen by police punching one on the ground. The women were treated for minor injuries, but people at the favorite gay and lesbian vacation spot are left feeling a bit less safe. (Cape Cod Times) (Boston Herald)

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