Heavenly Round-Up: It would be easy to say that it is what it is — too easy. These are the times we need to buckle down and put our money where our mouths are. If we can’t deliver, we need to reassess, stand up and make ourselves understood. It may not be fun, but it is necessary — and necessity is a mother. Relegate your neuroses to the backburner. Gird up your loins lest you get hoist by your own petard. Whatever may be may be. Wear armor.
Aries: Activity is the balm by which you distract yourself from concerns and conceal anxieties even from yourself. Is all this shoveling into closets and sweeping under rugs in your long-term best interests? You would do better to face issues head-on, singing as you go into battle.
Taurus: You’re resigned to putting your nose to the grindstone and bearing the yoke of your obligations a little longer, but you’re captivated by visions of greener pastures in your down time and as you day dream. Will you give in to the desire for Nirvana? Can you say “yes”?
Gemini: Persistent conditions require genuine commitment to amelioration. I.e., don’t just lie there whining; do something about it. Stand on your own two feet and determine your fate with your actions. You may not make headway till later in the week. Share with a Scorpio.
Cancer: You have the technology. You have the compassion. You have the focus. But do you, and this is crucial, have the will? Ask yourself the tough questions. Cut yourself slack in finding the answers. Respect the limitations of your form. Fall in love all over again.
Leo: You are the one doing the judging, even if you’ve arranged with reality to have the voices come from outside your head. You are the one doing the holding back, even if the universe may be named as a co-conspirator. You still have a real choice. Use it.
Virgo: Cave in. Give up. Cry “uncle.” Sometimes it’s best to cut your losses and go your own way. If you choose to stick around, you’ll warp yourself and poison the well for others, however unintentionally. Use your personal triage system to bring away all the good you can find.
Libra: Whether you’re a man or a mouse is beside the point. The trap has been set, and it is to scale. Stay alert and you won’t fall into the snares of those who have prepared the ground before you. Maybe they aren’t out to get you, but the best laid plans….
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Scorpio: You can do anything you wish. You can become whatever you choose. You can work through all difficulties. But you’ll have to get started to have any of those potentials become real. Stop researching and begin taking action. You’ll know by Tuesday.
Sagittarius: Those dreams will come true with or without you. But if you step up to the plate of conscious participation, you will be in a position to shape and extend the nature of your visions. Don’t hang back. Don’t think ugly thoughts. Don’t judge too quickly.
Capricorn: You know you want to. You worry about your self-avowed community. You wonder about the road less traveled. You have an obligation to the path you’re on, but you’ll always look over your shoulder — sometimes in wonder, sometimes in dismay. Release.
Aquarius: Logic will take you a fair way down the path. But then instinct has a place at the table, and in certain contexts is more desirable than decisions made by dialectic and attrition. Learn to know the difference and to trust in your “nose” for the best way forward.
Pisces: Your soul yearns for fulfillment. Your heart aches for completion. Your spirit is entranced by deep mysteries. Will you come up for air? Or have you given yourself wholly to the realms of pre-conscious awareness? It’s a different kind of landscape out there.
These are challenging times for news organizations. And yet it’s crucial we stay active and provide vital resources and information to both our local readers and the world. So won’t you please take a moment and consider supporting Metro Weekly with a membership? For as little as $5 a month, you can help ensure Metro Weekly magazine and MetroWeekly.com remain free, viable resources as we provide the best, most diverse, culturally-resonant LGBTQ coverage in both the D.C. region and around the world. Memberships come with exclusive perks and discounts, your own personal digital delivery of each week’s magazine (and an archive), access to our Member's Lounge when it launches this fall, and exclusive members-only items like Metro Weekly Membership Mugs and Tote Bags! Check out all our membership levels here and please join us today!
Heavenly Round-Up: Baby, it’s cold inside. Do you need to turn off the AC? To open your heart? To rev up your metabolism? Only you can find the answer in the dark privacy of your introspection. Only you can choose to make a different choice for yourself. Only you can learn to hear the shifting rhythms of your autonomic functions and respect both their limitations and their inherent potential. Whisper the truth to your inner ear and pay attention to the echoes in your soul.
Aries: While you had no idea where you were going, you never suspected it was your true home until you arrived. Wrap yourself in the certainty of caring and tradition. This armor will protect you better than charms on a Greek hero. Allow yourself a shot at victory Tuesday.
Taurus: Now that the edge is off some of the most recent catastrophes in your sphere of influence, you may wish to take a deep breath and decide how best to learn from what’s been happening. Small study groups work best here and now. Stick with a round-table format.
Gemini: Once you were a contender. Now you’re in an emeritus situation. Should you interfere? Should you call ’em like you see ’em? Should you persist in staying out of business not explicitly your own? You’re often less scrupulous in your conduct. What are you avoiding?
Cancer: If you let it go, what will you find to cling to when the next tide rises? If you bury it, will it be thrown to the surface at an inconvenient moment? If you let if fly away, was it yours to begin with? You could worry less and experience more to good advantage. Unwind.
Leo: How’s that catbird seat feel? Are you comfy? Is it spacious and accommodating? Have you got room for anyone else to sit there with you? Share the luxury and wealth of being on top of your game. You may find bread cast upon the waters comes back fortuitously.
Virgo: There but for the grace of Goddess goes you. Sure enough, your humility will keep you whole longer and let you fly farther under the radar. But once you go the distance, you have to ask yourself if you have the tools and the resources to get yourself back in one piece. Right?
Libra: Don’t let your love of summer slow you down too much. You have a lot you need to do and more you want to do and such a finite amount of time to git ’er done. Plan thoroughly, and leave lots of space for those times when everything goes awry for the greater good.
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Scorpio: You love as you love. You feel as you feel. You would control it all if you could, but you can’t. So let it go and find a pace you can sustain as float along all atypically. Soon enough you’ll be flat out with your chores and obligations. Let this time be a jewel box of delight.
Sagittarius: It’s not your turn. But you can be of great assistance to those whose turn it is. Give generously and you’ll be in the swim of things. Give openly and you’ll have a feel for the big picture. Give till you’re empty and you’ll be surprised by what comes along to fill you up.
Capricorn: Wouldn’t it be nice if you were older and you wouldn’t have to wait so long? Well, really you could use the patience that comes with the perspective of more experience. Can you hothouse life to bring you up to par more quickly? Solve the mysteries of time Sunday.
Aquarius: Desire nature wars with your ideologies like Mothra versus Godzilla. Could it be solved by means of letting nature take her course? Could it be solved by means of trusting in the universe, period? Could it be solved by means of being kind past all reasoning? Think.
Pisces: You’re in love with love and you have it to overflowing and you can’t help wanting to share and you don’t care if it’s the right time or the right place or any other limiter. So go ahead, spread it around. It’ll make you stronger and build up your immune system. Fly.
These are challenging times for news organizations. And yet it’s crucial we stay active and provide vital resources and information to both our local readers and the world. So won’t you please take a moment and consider supporting Metro Weekly with a membership? For as little as $5 a month, you can help ensure Metro Weekly magazine and MetroWeekly.com remain free, viable resources as we provide the best, most diverse, culturally-resonant LGBTQ coverage in both the D.C. region and around the world. Memberships come with exclusive perks and discounts, your own personal digital delivery of each week’s magazine (and an archive), access to our Member's Lounge when it launches this fall, and exclusive members-only items like Metro Weekly Membership Mugs and Tote Bags! Check out all our membership levels here and please join us today!
Heavenly Round-Up: No one promised you a rose garden — unless they meant it metaphorically. There are more excuses floating around than you can shake a stick at. Assume there’s little intention behind the latest cock-ups. Consider them a confluence of the improbable meeting the immovable and release yourself from vituperation in favor of problem solving. If at first you don’t succeed, you may need to bring other heads into the equation. If you don’t like the collaborative answer, dream the solution into being.
Aries: You were all that and a bag of chips, once upon a time. You were more than good to go. You were sharp as a tack – no, sharper. Have you lost your edge and don’t know where to find it? Have you found your purpose dissolved in putting out fires? Refocus.
Taurus: You would if you could, but you’re not sure you’re ready to pay the price if you do. All this uncertainty makes you crankier. All those amorphous obligations make you dizzy. All that seems so monumental must fade one day. Take the long view and you’ll be fine.
Gemini: You can’t help it. You’re having a very good time. You’re impossibly amused and delighted and ready to be pleased by the least thing. Share your perspective with others. Bring your point of view to the table and be irreverent when you present the facts and outcomes.
Cancer: If it were easy, you wouldn’t take as much pleasure in achieving your objectives as you do. If anyone could manage, you wouldn’t want to be a part of the solution. If it were universally desirable, you would decide to want something else altogether. Reflect.
Leo: You’ve got the gift of gab. Exploit your present way with words. Augment the talk with your considerable charisma. Pour on the charm and warmth with a free hand. Much may be done under the umbrella of a bright smile and a willing attitude. Present on Tuesday.
Virgo: Howsoever it may have come to pass, you’re playing a whole new game on a totally level field with a completely impartial bunch of observers. Nonetheless, you wonder if this is what you really want or if you ought to have held out for more or different. Stay the course.
Libra: You can navigate the tricky wording. You can see through the dense verbiage to the core of the actual meaning. You can dazzle others with your acumen, and even be totally sincere the whole time. Since you’re testing so well, go the distance for extra credit on Friday.
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Scorpio: Once upon a time, you knew in your heart of hearts that application and drive and focus could take you from there to here. But now you’ve arrived and you’re not entirely certain this is where you’re meant to be for the long haul. Will you try, try again? Call Sunday.
Sagittarius: If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? If you could become someone else for a day, who would you pick? If you could alter the future in your favor, would you take that risk? In these times, more is possible than can be imagined. Use it.
Capricorn: Don’t drop that name if you don’t want to go through an awkward moment. Don’t flaunt your skills if you don’t want them assessed with brutal honesty. Don’t compete if the activities are merely friendly and you don’t want to be shown the mat. Play in the open.
Aquarius: Positivity is like a silly children’s game. Funnier still, it works. Do you have the courage to put aside your cynicism and allow yourself to get into the mode wholeheartedly? Do you have the courage to be foolish in order to achieve your aims? Answer honestly Monday.
Pisces: Persistence has its moments. This isn’t one of them. Use your flexibility for maximum effect. Use your fluidity to get the most from your days. Use your imagination to build a different map of the world around you and your choices of action within it. Go early on Saturday.
These are challenging times for news organizations. And yet it’s crucial we stay active and provide vital resources and information to both our local readers and the world. So won’t you please take a moment and consider supporting Metro Weekly with a membership? For as little as $5 a month, you can help ensure Metro Weekly magazine and MetroWeekly.com remain free, viable resources as we provide the best, most diverse, culturally-resonant LGBTQ coverage in both the D.C. region and around the world. Memberships come with exclusive perks and discounts, your own personal digital delivery of each week’s magazine (and an archive), access to our Member's Lounge when it launches this fall, and exclusive members-only items like Metro Weekly Membership Mugs and Tote Bags! Check out all our membership levels here and please join us today!
Heavenly Round-Up: It’s hot. It’s hazy. It’s hard to know what to do. And this isn’t the weather we’re talking about. There is chaos under heaven and the situation is excellent. A certain, indefinable something infuses every minute with a lush, strange wonder. Can you release into the times and float on the current of the universe? It would be easier than fighting the tide, and it would take less energy — which is at a premium just now. Cut yourself some slack Saturday.
Aries: You’re mired in a procedural swamp not of your own choosing. You’re wading through philosophical and emotional goo like an explorer lost in the Amazon. You’re kind of enjoying the unknown, but you wish you felt like you knew where you were — or where you’re headed.
Taurus: Simplicity would be the ideal. And how likely is that, given the conditions and your own choices and related undertakings? Let go of your plans and allow yourself to react. You’ll find you’re in a better place for allowing the controls to slip from your hands. Float.
Gemini: Peace in our time; peace with honor. Is this an oxymoron? Could you find the way to a personal resolution of your conflicts? Would it spread like polio at a public pool? Would your own epiphany become the precipitator of a one-by-one revolution? Find out soon.
Cancer: You’ve been walking the talk, but you fear you’ve been walking in circles. You judge yourself too harshly, and it isn’t doing anything for how others are coping around you. See what other inputs you can use to achieve your ends with a modicum of joy and serenity.
Leo: Nope, it’s not what you expected. Yes, you decided on your course of action long ago, when it was all purely theoretical. Now you stand at a crossroads, between a rock and hard place having won a seat between the horns of the dreaded Dilemma. Use your imagination.
Virgo: Piece together the desirable activities and traits you wish to bring to your life. Don’t expect to find what you want in whole cloth, ready to be worn. Instead, make your future from the scraps of the past and the fragments of the present which best please you. Devolve.
Libra: Pensive much? Is it like thinking through cotton candy? You have the chops to bring the whole mess into clarity by constant application of reason and diligence. It isn’t as much fun as you might be having, but it beats having to clean up a much bigger mess down the road.
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Scorpio: You are as you have been. Is it right to abide in your soul comfortably when all around you are spinning like Sufis? Is it right to be satisfied with your choices in the midst of confusion and revolution? Is it right to see the path when others are lost and panicky?
Sagittarius: Whether it’s what you wanted or not, you’ll just have to resign yourself to living the life in front of you. Or not. You can change anything. You can change everything. You have the personal juju to make anything come true. Talk about a fairy godmother!
Capricorn: If it’s not right, did you fail? If it doesn’t fit, do you have to wear it? If it doesn’t follow, do you have to lead? Reframe your questions to find a better methodology for removing yourself to a better place. You want the transition, but you need to get started…soon.
Aquarius: Desire wars with necessity. It makes for interesting times. You can apply strategies. You can apply intuition. You can apply elbow grease. But don’t just sit there accepting the consequences of a condition not of your choosing or your responsibility. Wear synthetics.
Pisces: Standing between the devil and the deep blue sea, you may wish to invite the infernal one to come on in for a swim. Make peace with those aspects of yourself previously deemed unacceptable. Bring the unthinkable back into the fold and find yourself amazed.
These are challenging times for news organizations. And yet it’s crucial we stay active and provide vital resources and information to both our local readers and the world. So won’t you please take a moment and consider supporting Metro Weekly with a membership? For as little as $5 a month, you can help ensure Metro Weekly magazine and MetroWeekly.com remain free, viable resources as we provide the best, most diverse, culturally-resonant LGBTQ coverage in both the D.C. region and around the world. Memberships come with exclusive perks and discounts, your own personal digital delivery of each week’s magazine (and an archive), access to our Member's Lounge when it launches this fall, and exclusive members-only items like Metro Weekly Membership Mugs and Tote Bags! Check out all our membership levels here and please join us today!
Heavenly Round Up: It’s not you: things are getting weirder and bigger by the minute. Further, they’re heading off in every possible direction at once (and a few not believed to have been possible right up until the moment arrived). When the going gets weird, the weird get vindicated. Enjoy the sensation of having absolutely no idea what comes next. Enjoy getting in over your head in your quest for the realization of ideals in this imperfect world. Enjoy connecting unexpectedly with old friends and total strangers alike. Call early and often.
Aries: You’re wishing on a star, and all your dreams might very well come true. If they do, you’ll have to be prepared to spring into action and seize that day with both hands and even your feet and teeth. Cling to the future and it will make you happy! Wear diamonds.
Taurus: The biggest surprise is that you’re not as surprised as everyone else thought you would be. You had a feeling things would come to this amazing conclusion, though it was nothing you’d put words to. Now you’re both right and ready. Will you take the next step?
Gemini: ‘Touch, but don’t look’ might be the motto for this cycle. Use your tactile senses to get at the truth under all the smoke and mirrors. If you think you’re especially disoriented, you may want to take a break and get back to basics: dirt and running water make it right.
Cancer: You want to let go. It all seems so tempting and delightful. But you’re obligated and heaped with the burdens you took up voluntarily in order to see things through to their appropriate conclusion. Yet, you have free will right this very second. Choose afresh. Choose.
Leo: Now you’re completely flabbergasted. It would take a monumental act of serendipity to pull your fat out of the fire and bring reality back into sharp edged focus. Guess what? You can have that necessitous deus ex machina. Be an actor, not a spectator for best effect.
Virgo: Yes, the disaster factor is way up. Yes, the unexpected is standing round every corner. Yes, it’s getting so’s you expect the unforeseeable—all the time. OK, now you’ve adapted successfully. Now you’re ready to get on with life under the new paradigm. Now go!
Libra: Destiny has come for you wearing a Carnivale mask, out of season and with a poorly expressed sense of humor. You can’t run and you don’t think it’s your turn to hide. Can you integrate this unnecessary, unwanted mutation of the present? Can it become the future?
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Scorpio: For your next act, you’ll be turning water into wine. Or maybe making silk purses of sows’ ears. Or spinning straw into gold. Really, you’re ready for the big-time production of miracles on demand. You have the touch. You’re in the right place, and it’s finally the right time.
Sagittarius: Wheeee! Are we having fun yet? Talk about the roller coaster of life; if this isn’t it you just don’t want to know. It’s your right and your privilege to enjoy the ride, but you’re under contract to report on all you see and do along the fabulous way. Do your part.
Capricorn: Wherever you were, you’ve relocated in your heart of hearts. Now it’s time to make that change an external one. Include only what still matters. You won’t be doing anyone any favors by dragging them along all reluctant and hostile and embittered. Smile!
Aquarius: Once upon a time, you knew who you were and where and for how long and under what conditions. Now you’re lucky if you can find matching socks. It’s a phase, yes. But everything will be forever changed by what happens now. Be a part of the solution. Enjoy.
Pisces: You could just say ‘no’. But you hate to shut the door like that. You could just say ‘maybe’; but you’re not feeling at all ambivalent. You could just say ‘yes’ and call it a day. But then you might be engaged in the process and unable to pretend it all kind of just happened.
These are challenging times for news organizations. And yet it’s crucial we stay active and provide vital resources and information to both our local readers and the world. So won’t you please take a moment and consider supporting Metro Weekly with a membership? For as little as $5 a month, you can help ensure Metro Weekly magazine and MetroWeekly.com remain free, viable resources as we provide the best, most diverse, culturally-resonant LGBTQ coverage in both the D.C. region and around the world. Memberships come with exclusive perks and discounts, your own personal digital delivery of each week’s magazine (and an archive), access to our Member's Lounge when it launches this fall, and exclusive members-only items like Metro Weekly Membership Mugs and Tote Bags! Check out all our membership levels here and please join us today!