Metro Weekly

Money vs. wishful thinking: Frowned-upon efforts to quickly overturn anti-gay Proposition 8 run into reality

”In conversations with a number of my fellow major No on 8 donors. I find that they share my sentiment: namely, that we will step up to the plate — with resources and talent — when the time is right.”

David Bohnett, a philanthropist and entrepreneur who donated over $1 million to the 2008 effort to defeat Proposition 8, the anti-gay marriage bill that was passed by a small margin of California’s voters. (New York Times)

”But if you look at the poll numbers since November, they really haven’t moved at all.”

Marc Solomon marriage director of Equality California. (New York Times)

”A slapdash effort based on wishful thinking, rosy scenarios, and passion, is not enough to win on.”

Hans Johnson, a board member of NGLTF, discussing the possibility of overturning Proposition 8 by next fall. (New York Times)

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