Metro Weekly

Equality California’s analysis: Majority of voters remain opposed to gay marriage

”For the past four years, movement among California voters towards marriage equality has been stagnant…. [The] percentage of support for marriage equality jumped from 38 percent in 2000 to 43 percent in 2004 to 46 percent in 2005, and has hovered between 46 and 47 percent since then…. [The] buyers’ remorse we had all heard about anecdotally following the Proposition 8 vote is not borne out by the numbers. So many of us had hoped beyond hope that our rallies, demonstrations and expressions of sadness and anger would have caused voters who voted yes to change their position. That is not the case.”

Taken from the report released by Equality California regarding their 2012 strategy to overturn the anti-gay marriage law born out of Proposition 8. (Equality California)

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