Metro Weekly

Navy officer kills self in jail while under investigation for murder of gay sailor, August Provost

Our family is very unhappy about this. There’s a glitch in the system. If my nephew is killed on a base that’s supposed to be secure, and (Campos) killed himself in a military jail on suicide watch, we just don’t understand how any of these situations can happen… We are feeling very sorry for his family that they have to go through exactly what we went through, having someone tells us our loved one is gone.”

Rose Roy, the aunt of August Provost, a Navy Seaman who was murdered earlier this year, speaking about the apparent suicide of his accused killer, Jonathan Campos. It has been widely speculated that Provost was killed in connection to his sexual orientation. It has been reported that he was open to others about being gay or bisexual, despite the military’s continued ban on gay and lesbian soldiers. The Associated Press reports that Campos stuffed his own mouth full of toilet paper. (San Diego Union Tribune) (Associated Press)

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