Metro Weekly

Senator Coburn’s chief of staff: NIH proved homosexuality is not genetic, pornography causes homosexuality; tell boys Playboy = homo [video]

”It’s been a few years, but not that many, since I was closely associated with pre-adolescent boys — boys who are like 10-12 years of age. But it is my observation that boys at that age have less tolerance for homosexuality than just about any other class of people. They speak badly about homosexuals [audience chuckles]. And that’s because they don’t want to be that way, they don’t want to fall into it. And that’s a good instinct.

”After all, homosexuality, we know — studies have been done by the National Institutes of Health to try and prove that it’s genetic, and all those studies have proven that it is not genetic. Homosexuality is INFLICTED on society.

”I had a very good friend who was — who was in the homosexual lifestyle for a long time, then he had a religious conversion. And he bought an old motel that he turned into a hospice for some of his former associates who were dying of AIDS. He helped — he helped almost 300 men die. This man was a real hero. But he knew that he wasn’t as healed as he thought he was. He was able to resist temptation, he was able to resist sin. But he wasn’t healed enough to take on the responsibilities of marriage. He was a brilliant man in the sense that he knew himself. He knew his limits.

”He and I had a conversations about the MALADY he had suffered. And one of the things he said to me, that I think is an astonishingly insightful remark — he said, ‘All pornography is homosexual pornography. Because all pornography turns your sexual drive inwards.’ Now think about that.”

”And if you tell an 11-year-old boy about that, do you think he’s going to go out and get a copy of Playboy. I’m pretty sure, he’ll lose interest. That’s the last thing he wants. That’s a good comment. That’s a good point. And that’s a good thing to teach young people.His name is Jim Johnson; he’s a friend of mine. He ran an organization called, ‘Beyond Rejection Ministries’ and I consider him one of the most heroic men I’ve ever met.

”All pornography is homosexual because it turns your sexual drive inwards. And that, in fact, is what it does. I know couples now, who are struggling with a husband’s addiction to pornography. It’s a terrible thing and that’s what happened. If it doesn’t render you homosexual, it at least renders you less capable of loving your wife. And it’s something you need to be healed of.”

Michael Schwartz, reported to be the chief of staff for Senator Tom Coburn, speaking at the ultra-conservative convention called ”The Value Voters Summit.” (ThinkProgress)

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