Metro Weekly

Two ABC shows feature gay couples and adoption plotlines [video]

Cameron: ”Yes, I’ve gained a few extra pounds while we were expecting the baby. Which has been very difficult, but apparently your body does a nesting, very maternal, primal thing where it retains nutrients — some sort of molecular physiology thing. But that’s science, you can’t fight it. So, ….”

Mitchell: ”I’m not saying anything.”

Cameron: ”You’re saying everything!”

TV’s newest gay couple, featured in the ABC insult-heavy comedy ”Modern Family.” Cameron, the heavier of the pair, invites Mitchell‘s judgemental family over to announce their adoption of a baby girl from Viet Nam in the pilot episode. (Modern Family via HULU)

“A baby isn’t like a Marc Jacobs suit. You can’t return it if it doesn’t fit.”

Scotty arguing with his husband Kevin on the ABC drama ”Brothers and Sisters” about their interest in adopting a baby. The show is starting its fourth season. (Brothers and Sisters via HULU)

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