Metro Weekly

Lesbian nominee for EEOC commissioner, Chai Feldblum, is latest target of right-wing’s blasting machine

”A law professor nominated by President Obama to become a commissioner for the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission was a signatory to a radical 2006 manifesto which endorsed polygamous households and argued traditional marriage should not be privileged “above all others.”Catholic Online

”President Obama’s nominee to become commissioner for the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission signed a manifesto praising polygamy and arguing traditional marriage should not be privileged above other forms of union.”WorldNetDaily

”This homosexual activist lawyer – who will soon have a significant role as an enforcer of “Equal Rights” at the Federal level – actually believes that the protections provided under the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution have become outdated. She does not think that the Free Speech, Free Association and Free Exercise Clauses are the best safeguard for the religious person or for religious institutions any longer.”Catholic Online

”In short, she wants the gay agenda to trump the First Amendment and religious freedom to impose the gay agenda on all Americans – including those with strongly held religious beliefs about homosexuality.”RightsideNews

Paragraphs from recent posts by conservative blogging orgs that have now added Washington’s own Chai R. Feldblum to their growing smear list of Obama appointees and nominees. Feldblum is a professor at Georgetown Law, and was nominated by President Obama in September to be a Commissioner at the US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. She is an out lesbian, and part of her long list of causes and interests includes LGBT rights as well as workplace issues, disability, health and welfare rights. The increasingly effective tactics of the extremely anti-gay conservative media machine has been generating mainstream headlines lately, and thereby emboldening Republican Congressmen to take aim at subjects like the nationality of President Obama, the funding of ACORN, and the qualifications of Obama’s department appointees. Kevin Jennings is an out gay appointee who heads the Safe and Drug Free Schools at the Department of Education and a demand was put forth today by Republican Representative Steve King. Right-wing pundits to these appointees with Communist-sounding terms like “Obama’s czars,” and have now concentrated on a “manifesto” that Feldblum had signed in 2006. It is an online document called “Beyond Same Sex Marriage” that examines the needs of families in America’s increasingly diverse society. (Georgetown Law) (DC Employment Law Update)

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