Metro Weekly

Andy & Andy: Gay couple gets engaged during DC’s same-sex marriage hearing [video]

”Andy, you’ve changed my life. You bring out the best in me. I love you so much. On this day when we talk about the hopes of marriage, I’d like to ask you: Will you marry me?”

Andrew Hertzberg proposing to his gay partner Andy Rollman at a live, televised hearing on same-sex marriage in Washington, DC. Attending members of the DC City Council congratulated the pair of new fiancees on their engagement. Hertzberg and Rollman were just two of over 250 citizens that spoke at the hearing, the vast majority in support of the measure. Although, several of the speakers from the 2-part session asked the council not to replace civil unions with marriage as the only option. (DC Council via Office of Cable Television)

”He told me he was going to do something as a surprise at the end. I was hoping this was it.”

Andy Rollman who received a proposal of marriage from Andrew Hertzberg. The couple was testifying at the time as part of the DC Council’s public hearing on a bill that will legalize same-sex marriage. (Washington City Paper)

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