Metro Weekly

Gay newspaper publisher “shuts down:” Southern Voice, David Atlanta publisher ceases operations

”Southern Voice With deepest regret, as editor of SoVo, I have to tell you that we arrived at the office to learn that our parent company, Window Media, has shut down. While the 20 years of SoVo have come to an end, our civil rights movement is only beginning. I am personally grateful to all of the staff, and to all of you who have had the courage to share your stories. It has been the honor of my life to help you tell them.”

Facebook page entry from the Southern Voice, a gay newspaper that had served the Atlanta region. The parent company, Window-Media, has apparently been changed the locks on the doors without notifying staff in advance. According to the company’s website, Window-Media also published The Washington Blade, South Florida Blade, and 411 Magazine. (Facebook)

Metro Weekly has a full story with quotes from the former publisher and staff at 

It is with GREAT regret that we must inform you that effective immediately, the operations of Window Media, LLC and Unite Media, LLC have closed down.
Please return to the office on WEDNESDAY to collect personal belongings and to rceive information on your separation stipulations. Please bring boxes and/or containers that will allow you to collect all your personal belongings at one time.
Steve Myers
Mike Kitchens”

Content of notice posted on the door of Southern Voice newspaper. (Project Q Atlanta)

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