”[Man-woman marriage is] one of those rare, almost, nearly universal, human goods…. children, in general, do best with both a mother and a father…. [W]e’ve heard a number of arguments… that there isn’t anything unique or morally relevant or important about unions of husbands and wives, mothers and fathers, uh, man and a woman. That two men, or two women are the same as, well, uh, a husband and wife, man and a woman. And then it goes one step further — and we’ve heard this a number of times today — that those of us who believe that there is something special and unique about husbands and wives are equivalent of bigots. Or are animated by hatred. Or irrational animus.”
Brian Brown, head of the politically conservative group National Organization for Marriage, a nonprofit with a single focus on blocking and repealing same-sex marriages. Yesterday, he testified against a bill sponsored by most of the DC City Council which will allow marriages to be performed legally for gay and lesbian couples within the District of Columbia. NOM recently moved its headquarters here to the District. Councilman David Catania brought up a number of questions that surround NOM, it’s funding, and its controversial board members. Brown claims that his organization has done nothing wrong regarding tax filings, that he did not know about his boardmembers’ opinions and dealings nor should he be expected to, and that Mr Catania was engaging in a ”witch hunt” and ”smear” campaign which Brown eventually equated to “religious bigotry.” He called the backlash against Proposition 8 supporters ”licensed hatred.” Brown admitted that he does receive support from the Mormons and he is proud of that. Catania pointed out that Brown has ”typically denied” that to the media. (DC Council via Office of Cable Television)
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