Metro Weekly

Lesbian vs. Ex-Lesbian: Vermont judge grants custody of daughter to non-biological mom

”I don’t believe we need to be friends but I won’t block her from Isabella…. I’ll definitely be supportive of them. I want my daughter to have both of her parents.”

Lesbian mom, Janet Jenkins speaking about the custody battle she just won against Lisa Miller, her former lesbian partner. Miller, who is the biological mother, is reported to have taken the daughter, Isabella, who they had both been caring for, to Virginia, refused joint custody visits to Miller, and then claimed she was no longer gay. Miller’s case has become a cause célèbre for conservative religious groups. Miller’s lawyer says they are not happy with the decision and claims that Isabella only knows “her mother” and their Virginia home, and that they plan to appeal. The Vermont court pointed out that they had warned Miller that her interference with visitation rights could end in a change of custody. (Rutland Herald)

”The court concludes that it is in the best interest of (Isabella) that Ms. Jenkins exercise parental rights and responsibilities…. In the long term, the change in custody will be in (Isabella’s) best interests as she will have the opportunity for maximum continuing physical and emotional contact with both parents”

Judge William Cohen of Vermont granting custody of 7-year-old Isabella Miller to Janet Jenkins. The lesbian mother is reported to have split with her partner, Lisa Miller, in 2003. Miller took young Isabella to Virginia, said she was no longer gay, and then refused to allow Miller visitation rights. The high-profile custody case has been in and out of court ever since. (Rutland Herald)

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