Metro Weekly

Radio station cancels talk show after host spews gay slur during hateful rant in NH

”Although the comments by Mr. Lambert were not aired on our station, we find the comments by him to be completely out of line and unacceptable, and we will not allow Mr. Lambert the opportunity to continue to air his show on our radio station.”

Rob Fulmer, regional manager for Nassau Broadcasting which has cut ties with one of its hotheaded right-wing radio shows, ”Meet The New Press.” The host, Doug Lambert, let loose on New Hampshire Democratic Chair, Ray Buckley, on the tail end of the webcast of his radio show where he referred to Buckley as, ”Yeah you faggot” and danced around to mock a gay man. It is reported that Buckley is openly gay. (WMUR) (Daily Kos)

”To be blunt, what I said is something that never should have been said in any kind of a public setting, or, quite frankly, in a private one either. Being human, and an honest person that is used to freely speaking my mind, my passion got the best of me. Politically correct? Nah, that’s not my style. Calling people names, THAT’S usually not my style, either, as I prefer to debate the issues in a battle of ideas.”

Doug Lambert on his blog GraniteGrok regarding his incredibly inappropriate on-air rant against Ray Buckley. (GraniteGroK)

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