Metro Weekly

Religious Expulsion: You can’t fire me! God wants me to harass sinful, deviant, married lesbians

”I found it offensive that she repeatedly brought it up…. I felt God wanted me to express how I felt about the matter…. I said, ‘Regarding your homosexuality, I think that’s bad stuff…. I did say I regard that lifestyle as deviant…. I see, like all real Christians, homosexuals as people who, like me, are sinners and need to be told the truth in a loving way. I had to express that I’m intolerant of that behavior. It’s a love-the-sinner, hate-the-sin kind of deal.”’

Peter Vidala, a newly hired, manager at a Brookstone store in Boston’s airport, whining to Fox News that he was unjustly fired for harassing a lesbian co-worker. Vidalia, 24, claims he couldn’t bear her telling others she’d just been married, and that God wanted him to tell her her marriage was ”deviant,” ”sinful” and ”lunacy” to think it was normal. (Fox News)

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