Metro Weekly

Rhode Island Governor vetos gay burial rights, then meets gay group to consider domestic partnerships [video]

”The governor’s office has agreed to put resources towards the gay community. They are willing to look at our issues, and they are willing to talk to us more.”

Susan Heroux of Queer Action of Rhode Island which met with Governor Donald Carcieri. The Governor has positioned himself as a staunch adversary of the gay community’s needs in that state, which is currently surrounded by other New England states that have accepted same-sex marriages. Carcieri reportedly vetoed a bill to allow same-sex partners to plan funeral arrangements, saying first that there were other ways they could achieve end of life wishes, and then saying that he didn’t approve of a piecemeal approach to gay issues. He stated after his meeting with the gay group, “I think it would be better to find a way to deal with these more globally, as apparently did Washington state.” (WPRI)

”I’ve got to be honest, I’m thrilled. I think to a lot of people it seems like a little thing, because it’s not full acceptance, clearly. It’s sort of a step towards tolerance. It’s just about non-discrimination. But, if you’re in the church, if you know that church, you can see that it’s a signal. And you can see that it’s a signal to the entire population saying, ‘It’s not okay to discriminate anymore.’ Which is just such a huge change from when I was in the church.”

Dustin Lance Black, writer of ”Milk” and ”Big Love” and an ex-Mormon, commenting on the LDS apparent approval of a Salt Lake City nondiscrimination law that includes sexual orientation. (Joy Behar Show)

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