Metro Weekly

Halo becomes MOVA, thereby retaining its two vowels

Movahedi and Gunn.jpg

You may recall that Hearsay mentioned the other day a local D.C. gay bar was rumored to be undergoing a name change. Well that news became rumor no longer as of 12:13 a.m. this morning, as it was announced via press release that Halo would change its name to MOVA come Friday, January 1, 2010.

In the release Timur “Diamonds Are Furever” Tugberk, the establisment’s new media contact, writes:

The event is the beginning of a year long process…to institute a philosophical shift in corporate culture and set the foundation for national expansion of a new entertainment concept.

"Our objective is to introduce a new and exciting entertainment concept brand for the LGBT community," [said] Babak Movahedi, Owner….

This new concept is designed to further engage the local LGBT community through philanthropy, community outreach, and will include many green and sustainable practices. This will combine our staple upscale lounge environment while providing an outlet for our patrons to give back to the community on a quotidian basis. It will be incorporated into our corporate culture to utilize MOVA employees to take part in community out reach and services to benefit our surroundings.

The release also alludes to “national expansion into other major markets.” Could that mean Halo Miami is similarly getting the MOVA treatment? And what about New York? Chicago? Sweet MOVA Alabama? And Kansas, too?

As for where the new name MOVA hails from? Hearsay may not know the meaning of the word “quotidian” (it believes it to be some sort of Star Trek alien), but it knows how to spot four letters in a string of eight pretty handily. Let’s just say as a young gossipmonger, Hearsay was an expert at Jumbles.

Pictured: Movahedi with Tim Gunn, December, 2008. File photo by Ward Morrison.

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