Metro Weekly

Loudoun Co., VA Supervisor Delgaudio blasted for public, anti-transgender remarks [video]

”Regardless of how one may feel about the policy in question, there is no excuse for referring to other human beings as ‘it.”’

Jim Burton, Supervisor for Loudoun County, VA, taking to task his fellow Supervisor, Eugene Delgaudio, for an e-mail that used insulting language to describe MTF transgenders. Delgaudio issued several defensive apologies, mostly trying to claim that “it” was referring to a policy, not a human being. Most agree his remarks did not come across that way, since he had just blurted out similarly hostile remarks at the previous meeting. It’s reported that he also referred to “crossdressing freaks” in the e-mail. (

”Cross-dressing rights: that’s what we’re talking about at this meeting…. This would put men who wear dresses in county bathrooms without public notice! … This is freaky. This is bizarre. This is fruity!”

Eugene A. Delgaudio, Loundon County, VA Supervisor, as quoted by Loudon Independent Newspapers. He made the remarks during a “heated” debate about the addition of ”gender identity” & ”sexual orientation” protections to the County’s Equal Employment Opportunity policy on January 5, 2010. The board passed the measure in spite of Delgaudio’s outburst. (

”The board votes six yes, Waters and Delgaudio ‘no,’ with York abstaining, to add ‘sexual orientation’ and ‘gender identity’ to the hiring of employees which means if a man dressed as a woman wants a job, you have to treat ‘it’ the same as a normal person.”

Portion of a public e-mail sent by Eugene Delgaudio after the Loudoun County Board of Supervisors voted in favor of adding protections for gay and transgender people to the County’s nondiscrimination policies. (Equality Loudoun)

”That [email newsletter] said transgendered people are not human…. There is a tendency for people around him to roll their eyes and say, ‘There he goes.’ There is a possibility that this sort of performance is contrived or deliberate. I think he is losing control of himself. It’s hard to tell.”

David Weintraub of the gay rights advocacy group called Equality Loudoun, reacting to the insensitive remarks by Eugene Delgaudio. Delgaudio has made more excuses than apologies for his remarks about transgender people in relation to his opposition to amending the County’s nondiscrimination policy. (Washington Post)

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