Metro Weekly

Cookie ‘n Crack…

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cookie.jpgCrack is back tomorrow night at Town with Fairy Tale inspired madness. Hearsay secretly — okay, not so secretly — obtained a list of the scheduled performers from Shea “Butter” Van “Shoe” Horn and here it is for all to see:

Grant Barker
Zack Rosen
Rachel Panay
Sunrize Highway
Steve Scarlata
Scott Shumaker
Karen Shultz
Blue Ball Rooth
Cookie Buffet
Jason Neal
Matt Bailer
Bil Todd
Brandon Neukam
Dean Barnes

See anyone you know? That’s right Cookie “Dyer Straights” Buffet is making a long-overdue return to performing. Of course, there are a bunch of other people as well, but frankly Hearsay is stoked about Cookie. The question is, will Cookie be served with cream?….

Crack happens Saturday, Feb. 27, at Town, 2009 8th Street NW. Doors at 9 p.m. Show at 10 p.m. Admission $10. MOre info at

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