Metro Weekly

Harold Ford in NY: Gay marriage support is up because of “people like me”

”I freely admit there are issues I’ve evolved on…. The reason the numbers and the support continues to go up is because of people like me, who change their minds.”

Report from Talking Points Memo blog on a meeting between Harold Ford and the NYC chapter of Stonewall Democrats. Ford, a Democrat who formerly served as a US Representative for Tennessee, has been trying to wiggle his way into a bid to be New York’s US Senator, replacing the governor-appointed Kirsten Gillibrand, who took over for Hillary Clinton. The crowd apparently exhibited a lot of distrust for Ford, and for good reason — he voted in favor of adding an amendment to the US Constitution that would have banned gay marriage. A Gay City News article quotes Ford as saying he never lied or made promises about his vote. During his last campaing, Ford also stated flatly that rumors of him supporting gay marriage were a lie, then alluding that gay marriage was against God. (TPM) (Gay City news)

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