Metro Weekly

“Mass Effect 2” allows hot girl-on-girl action, but none for the gay boys? [video]

”There are a bunch of gay and gay-friendly gamers who are posting topics about why male/male romances (because, of course, they have female/female) were deliberately left absent from [Mass Effect 2] who are finding that moderators are taking a tad too much liberty with their ability to close topics. Nearly every thread about the issue has been closed for the most minute reasons, even so far as going to say that the discussion of same-sex romances in the general forums is considered spoiler material.”

Content of a letter from a reader of ArsTechnica website which points out that the game company Bioware, creators of the much-anticipated “Mass Effect 2,” have begun locking out discussions of same-sex relationships on boards about it’s newest release. Gay-related topics have been a challenge for the video game company in the past. Bioware ran into a similar conflict with users last April when they scrubbed the Star Wars discussion boards of LGBT content. A Community Manager responded by saying the terms “gay” and “lesbian” don’t exist in Star Wars. The company did recently release another game after that, Dragon Age, which does feature some gay male content. It’s widely known that anti-gay terminology is used by players frequently to insult one another, and that lesbian and gay gamers are often turned off by the hateful speech, sometimes to the point of simply not participating in the online play. (ArsTechnica)

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