Metro Weekly

DC gets ready for gay marriage: Will Chief Justice John Roberts stop it?

”Opponents of gay marriage are asking the Supreme Court to put a hold on the District of Columbia’s new law allowing same-sex couples to wed…. Court papers filed Monday with Chief Justice John Roberts argue that Washington residents should be able to vote on the matter.”

The latest, and hopefully last, bit of sour news about anti-marriage activists who are trying to keep gay male and lesbian couples from becoming legally wed. This short bit of news from Associated Press mentions Walter E. Fauntroy in particular as being one of the opponents. Fauntroy went before the DC Council late last year and presented a rambling speech that in part said gay marriage would end the “perpetuation of the species” and that gay marriage was used to begin the War in Iraq. Many motions have been filed by Fauntroy and his anti-gay, religiously motivated compadres. But the Council, DC Courts, Attorney General, and Board of Elections have shot them all down for being against the overriding interest of the DC Human Rights Act. If all goes well, marriage licenses are set to begin being accepted on Wednesday, March 3, and legal ceremonies for gay couples can begin three business days later, which will be March 9, 2010. (AP)

”We’re anticipating a lot of excited residents from the District and suburbs coming down to the court to apply, and we want to make this as smooth an experience as possible.”

Lee F. Satterfield, Chief Judge for DC Superior Court regarding a possible rush on marriage applications for gay male and lesbian couples. The Washington Post reports that the cost is $35 for the applications and $10 for the license. (Washington Post)

”It’s truly a dream come true to be able to commit to the person I love here in the community where I live and work.”

Cu Vu, who plans to marry her partner Gwen Magita, speaking with News Channel 8. The station reports that only 10 to 12 marriage applications come in each day. And that authorities are asking people to visit the DC Court website to obtain the application and have it filled out before coming down. (News Channel 8)

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