Metro Weekly

Kathy Griffin digs Choi’s balls: Bravo’s star comments on gay soldier’s arrest [video]

”It was my honor 2 share [the] podium w Lt. Dan Choi today. I understand he’s been arrested in front of the White House. I dig that dude! Balls!”

Tweet from comedian Kathy Griffin after her appearance at today’s rally in DC against ”Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.” The event appeared to be a joint venture between the Human Rights Campaign and Bravo! TV. And there’s some controversy surrounding Choi’s appearance at the event — whether he was invited to be a part or not — plus he intentionally created an act of “civil disobedience” at the White House at a time when Congress is seriously seeking a repeal of the Clinton-era policy. Lt. Choi and another soldier had themselves handcuffed to the wrought iron fence on Pennsylvania Avenue. (Twitter/kathygriffin)

Metro Weekly has lots more news and photos from today’s two exciting events, and more video.

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