Metro Weekly

“Miss Beverly Hills” repeats: Gays commit “sin,” but they love me

“It’s pretty black and white about whether homosexuality is a sin. And as a Christian, that’s what I believe…. Am I anti-gay? No. I feel like — I feel like I love everyone…. I do have gay friends…. I think that some of them are — um, they say, you know — they still lo — some people, I mean, some people — what am I trying to say? A lot of gay friends of mine are saying like, ‘Okay, that’s your belief. You know. I still love you.’ They know how much I love them. We have such good relationships that they know I still believe in them.”

Lauren Ashley, a 23-year-old who registered for the Miss California USA pageant under the moniker of “Miss Beverly HIlls.” Here she is speaking on camera with RadarOnline and basically repeating her all-loving anti-gay beliefs. She made headlines two weeks ago by telling a Fox News reporter that she had a like-minded kinship with last year’s anti-gay loser, Carrie Prejean. When asked about Prejean’s “Christians vs. gay marriage” controversy, Ashley chose to quote one of the very few Bible passages that mentions male-male relationships. Many gay-hating religious fundamentalists say that the passage from Leviticus calls for homosexuals to be murdered. Ashley’s near-delusional beliefs will certainly bring increased media attention to the California pageant this year. Oddly enough, the pageant is directed in California by an out gay man, Keith Lewis, and the bigger Miss USA pageant is run by famed tycoon Donald Trump. Lewis has publicly defended Ashley’s right to speak her mind, and in return she says here that, “I think he learned a lot last year from Carrie Prejean…. He’s a wonderful guy. I love him.” (Radar Online)

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