Metro Weekly

Did Howard Stern say he has evidence that Jamie Foxx is gay? Jamie insists “I’m not gay!”

”I don’t know any members of Jamie’s crew. The show is not a popular show…. I don’t really care about Jamie Foxx. Jamie says he’s a friend of mine. He’s not a friend of mine. I’ve had him on the show a couple of times. I don’t consider him a friend anymore… He wants to say I’m irrelevant, and then taking pokes and jabs at me, and saying he loves me. I’m not feeling the love….

I got a shitload of stuff on Jamie, which isn’t a lot of fun. Even the name ‘Jamie Foxx’ — it’s interesting he chose the name Jamie…. I don’t dislike the guy, he’s a very talented guy. I’m not taking that away from him. He seems to be in some bizarre thing where wants to start in with me so he can get some attention for his channel on ‘The Foxxhole’ — which is an interesting name, too, about the ‘hole.’ I wonder which ‘hole’ they’re referring to. How many holes are in Jamie? He’s got an ass, and he’s got a mouth. And I don’t know what he does with them…. I’m not gonna open up the next can of worms. Jamie can say what he wants because no ones going to hear it anyway. Jamie’s got enough shit to deal with. It ain’t a bed of roses. Let’s put it that way….

Come in here and tell Robin [Quivers] she’s a ‘house negro.’ And come here and tell me how irrelevant I am. Come here man-to-man and talk to me, if you really have a bug up your ass about me, and we’re on the same team. My guess is we’re probably not on the same team. I think he’s playing for a way different. team. There’s a whole bunch of stuff I could if I wanted to get into doing the dozens with Jamie, but I’ll skip it. How old is he anyway, Jamie? Wonder if he’s gonna settle down pretty soon. Maybe with a — I don’t know — find a nice girl and settle down, maybe. He can’t find the right girl? Okay. He’s trying. But I don’t know what the bug is up his ass. I don’t know what’s up his ass. It’s none of my business. You know, if he’s got something in his ass, that’s his business.”

SIRIUS satellite radio broadcaster Howard Stern responding to entertainer Jamie Foxx and his crew on the Foxxhole. Both men work for SIRIUS, but a rift seems to have occurred between them over the past couple of weeks. Howard Stern publicly criticized Oprah Winfrey and others for telling Gabourey Sidibe, of the movie ”Precious,” that she’d have a long career, ignoring her weight. The Foxxhole crew criticized Stern for that, and Jamie Foxx said Howard Stern’s show is irrelevant among other things. Some news reports have taken Sterns words and tone as alluding that he has knowledge that Jamie Foxx might be gay. (Howard Stern / SIRIUS via YouTube)

”And then he called me gay. First of all, lets get this straight. I’m not gay! … That doesn’t bother me, because a lot people say that I’m gay or whatever, and that doesn’t bother me. I could eat a pizza in a male shower and not feel anything because I’m secure with myself. And I’m not going to take that Coward Stern. I’m not going to take that from a person who has chronic gonorrhea…. The thing that gets me about Howard is, we The Foxhole. Don’t he understand that we not gonna go nowhere. It’s like, we welcome that type of shit. I think that what he’s going through is he’s not as hot as he used to be, but he needs to get hotter for the network because we are friends. That is my friend….

We have a huge gay following here. What I don’t understand about Howard is, when you say that I’m gay, is that supposed to be a bad thing? Is that supposed to be an insult to the gay — I mean, what do you say about Ellen, and Rick Martin…. Shout out all my gay constituents, we love our gay community…. So, I don’t know what Howard Stern’s talking about. Gay people are very nice. They contribute a lot of things — music, art, and makeup, and hair…. Thank you so much for the extra listeners. I think we jumped up ahead of Howard Stern in ratings.”

Entertainer Jamie Foxx responding to broadcaster Howard Stern and his criticism of Foxx’s show, The Foxxhole. (The Foxxhole / SIRIUS via YouTube)

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