Metro Weekly

Australian politician resigns after gay sex club visit: TV news outs government official over car usage

”I have resigned as Minister of Transport and Roads for personal reasons, not reasons relating to [his] ministerial duties. I apologize to my wife, family colleagues, staff and the community for letting them down.”

David Campbell, an Australian Transportation Minister for New South Wales. He is married to a woman and has children, and was caught by Channel 7 news cameras exiting a gay sex club called Ken’s at Kensington. It’s not clear why the Channel dragged Campbell out of the closet, but they seem to be going after him for a night of particularly bad traffic and for using a official government car to drive to the gay bathhouse. Many are taking the station to task for invading the private life of a public official for reasons unconnected to his job. Campbell, the station shows in it’s video, campaigned as a “family man,” but critics of the report say that Campbell was not the type of anti-gay “family values” candidates that we’ve seen go down in flames in the US regularly. (Sidney Star Observer) (Mumbrella) (Sydney Morning Herald)

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