Yes, and like most straight guys I joke around with the whole gay thing and I see it as comedy, not saying that’s right or wrong but I don’t do it out of hate…. I know very well how it feels for someone to judge you for something you have no control over so having gone through that I know how it feels. I took a vow that I didn’t even have to say that I would never discriminate against anybody for anything other that how they treat me or others around them. So not only DO I NOT HATE gay people, I actually accept them for who and what they are…. EVERYBODY LIGHTEN THE (expletive) UP!
Quotes taken from the blog of Rampage Jackson, an “Ultimate Fighter” who has begun an acting career with the new “A-Team” film. Last week, the LA Times reported on Jackson’s seemingly insensitive use of “gay” in his remarks. (via
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