Metro Weekly

Alexandria, VA chef nabbed for extortion using ”gay sex” photos

The victim was on a business trip in Washington D.C. from Michigan when he got a phone call in his hotel room on May 3, according to the affidavit. Shawn Lightfoot, 46, told the man he would send compromising photos to the man’s wife and colleagues unless he paid $25,000.

Washington Post article today about an alleged extortion plot by a culinary student/chef from the Baltimore-DC area, Shawn Lightfoot. The unnamed victim alludes to being drugged and robbed the night before. (Washington Post)

Over the next three weeks, the caller threatened to tell the man’s wife and business and texted pictures of the businessman. The caller demanded the businessman wire $25,000 in hush money or he would “make his life miserable,” the FBI affidavit said. One photo showed a black male hand holding the businessman’s driver’s license. Another picture showed the victim leaning off a sink and the black male’s hand on his back.

More details from the Washington Examiner about the case of a married man who was threatened with “gay sex” pictures. Shawn Lightfoot has been aprehended by the FBI in the case. (Washington Examiner)

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