Metro Weekly

Arrogant Ted Haggard defends Eddie Long; Deflects questions about his hypocritical scandals [video]

”Those who independently chose to call me on the carpet were not helpful. It was those who loved me, helped me, comforted me — and this type of broad-based, generalized analysis of people outside of your group, is not what’s helpful to him or to the process…. This is America, you can’t use your religion to tyrannize others.”

The infamous Ted Haggard responding, in an annoyed and very dismissive way, to openly gay Pastor Troy Sanders who is pointing out the alleged failure of Bishop Eddie Long to act in a truthful manner.

Both Haggard and Long have been leaders of “megachurches” and both have preached against homosexuality and gay relationships. Haggard “fell from grace” when a gay male prostitute exposed Haggard’s visits for both illegal drugs and sex.  

Anderson Cooper, the host of the news show asked Haggard if he felt like a hypocrite for his anti-gay preaching, to which Haggard responded with his typical avoidant nonsense about preachers being responsible for teaching the bible. Haggard has appeared on numerous talk shows (including The Oprah Winfrey show), with his preacher wife, to claim that he has been cured of his unspecified temptations and that he is not gay. (CNN via YouTube)

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