Metro Weekly

Facebook Failure Fallout

Following Thursday’s Facebook outage, Fabulis — the gay site launched earlier this year — sent an email message to its users today.

To say it was pointed would be an understatement. It also made clear some of the underlying purpose — at least in founder and CEO Jason Goldberg’s mind — for the site, which at this time primarily involves the user rankings of other site users, questions answered by users and a calendar of events. Goldberg wrote:

[W]e utilize Facebook Connect here at for user logins and for other critical features on our site. Thankfully, Facebook’s shutdown did not bring down fabulis, but it did cause some behind the scenes hiccups on our side.

As you can imagine, we are considering our ongoing Facebook dependencies in light of this incident.  We have relied on Facebook Connect as our primary account service thus far because it helped us start fabulis with real users with real names, real friends, and real pics (with clothes on), vs. being a site full of anonymous people with shirtless pics. This was important for setting the proper tone on fabulis as the gay social network that’s not just about hookups.

So, take that, Mark Zuckerberg.

Also — apparently — take that, Manhunt, Adam4Adam, Grindr, etc. Fabulis, you see, has set the “proper tone.” Meow!

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